Chapter 6 - Lady Claws

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I tried to ignore the nerves, squirming in my stomach like worms as I waited. This was a bad idea. Really bad. And yet...I couldn't abandon the possibility. I owed it to the rebellion, to our people, to follow this lead even if there was a chance it would backfire.

"We've taken every precaution possible," Amelina reminded me. "It will be just fine." She looked pale, uneasy. Her fingers kept fidgeting, twisting together.

I grabbed her hand and squeezed. "It wasn't your fault," I reminded her again.

"Yes. It was. I wasn't being careful." She'd been caught looking over the message board outside the castle the other morning, when one of the prince's drengr had snuck up on her. A few careless words had led us to where we were now.

It reminded me how critical our situation was. How just a single accident, a single misstep, a single mistake could be the end of us. Now, I had to remedy what had happened, even if I didn't blame her. Perhaps some good could come of this.

"Look, it was only a matter of time, Amelina. I was going to have to meet with this princeling eventually. Perhaps it is better done sooner than later."

She sighed.

The sound of shuffling feet caught my attention. A group of men moved into view. They were gathered around two drengr in the middle, both blindfolded, with their hands shackled behind them.

My eyes widened, and I quickly schooled my features. Lifting my arm, I signaled for the others to get into position. Then, I grabbed my bow and nocked an arrow, drawing tight. I held.

The group came to a stop a mere ten strides away from me. Gods, the drengr were even bigger up close. I felt a tiny bead of perspiration slide down the middle of my chest. Why was it suddenly so godsdamned hot in here?

Edric met my gaze. I nodded. He pulled the blindfold from the prince first, then his companion.

Ignoring the racing beat of my heart, I looked him over. He was here, he was really here. I hadn't thought he would agree to our terms.

"It could still be a trap," Amelina whispered. Her hushed words brought the prince's eyes directly to us. His companion, however, continued to survey our surroundings.

The blindfold had been a requirement. Otherwise, telling him to come alone wouldn't have worked. He'd just use his telepathic abilities to tell his friends where he was, and they'd storm our meeting place.

"So...this is the infamous Lady Mask," he drawled, keeping still, his hands restrained behind him. The sight of a prince, almost made me doubt all of my misgivings. "Going to shoot me?" he baited. "You do realize that I'd heal. It takes more than a single arrow to bring down one of my kind."

"What if it's an arrowhead dipped in dragon's bane?" I challenged.

His eyes widened, but only briefly. He took control of his expression quickly. I was impressed.

"You could be bluffing," he decided. One of his impossibly broad shoulders lifted.

I found myself staring at the layers of muscle stretched over his chest and arms before giving myself a little shake and saying, "There are fifteen arrows pointed at you this very second, Your Highness. Every single one of them is dipped in dragon's bane poison. We both know how debilitating that is for one of your kind. Don't make me prove it."

A low, rumbling laugh filled the silence that followed my words. My stomach dropped low at the sound, gooseflesh spreading across my skin. I blinked. He was...he was grinning? "Well, well, well. The little lady has claws as sharp as my talons. I'm impressed." He sounded it, too. "Let me guess. This isn't even your hideout?" He glanced around, taking in the stacks of crates ten high, shipping containers piled along walls, the prevalence of shadows and lack of light. I'd chosen the warehouse strategically.

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