Chapter 20 - An Expert in Loving You

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Theo traipsed after Sophie as she stomped off. He hadn't planned on changing back to human form, since they still had a flight ahead of them. But she was being stubborn. Gods! So stubborn.

Since he couldn't talk to her as a dragon—not unless their minds were melded, because they weren't mated yet—this was the only way he'd speak some sense into her. Mates. He was still reeling. So it only made sense that she was too.

If anything, this was more of a shock to her than him. After all, she was engaged. Now her entire world was in upheaval. Not to mention what had just transpired at the rebellion hideout.

"You're going in the wrong direction, sweetheart."

"Ugh! Stop calling me that. I'm not your sweetheart."

"But you are. You're my sweetheart. My mate. My one true love."

She snorted, rounding on him. Her mask was in hand now, and her face was livid, eyes pinched and flashing with ire. It should have scared him. Instead, it only stoked the inferno inside him. "Your one true love?! Are you jesting with me. Truly? The universe decides to make us mates and you suddenly love me. How convenient! All those romances and you haven't learned a thing. I'm not certain you even know what love is."

He froze, as if slapped. If she had hit him, it would have been less painful. His fist clenched. "Maybe you're right," he said. "I haven't exactly led a pious life. But I know what I feel for you—have felt for you for weeks now. Maybe I'm not an expert in love, but I'd like to be. I'd like to be an expert in loving you."

She stood, blinking. Then her shoulders fell. He used the opportunity to his advantage, striding over to her.

"Soph. Sweetheart. You just lost one of your friends tonight, not to mention other operatives, your rebel base. Then you got blindsided by this news. I know this is a lot. I'm still processing it, too. So let's just take some time to absorb everything. For now, let's get you back to your father's keep. We're in the middle of nowhere. Let me take you home—which is that way, by the way." He pointed in the opposite direction she was going. "It's too long of a walk. Will you let me take you there? Will you fly with me?"

Her head was tilted back to stare up at him. Her eyes darted between him, studying him. "Okay," she managed, the word mostly whisper. "But I don't want you in my head, Theo. That's not fair. My thoughts are my own. Private."

He nodded, tried not to feel hurt by her wanting to be separate from him. He didn't mind sharing his privacy. Letting her in. And that was saying a lot since there were memories in there he almost felt shameful over, memories she was better off never seeing. Things he'd done with other women before her.

Gods, the thought of her witnessing that. Maybe it was better that they weren't sharing minds. At least, for now.

"You're wearing gloves." He motioned towards her hands. "Don't let your skin touch me and you'll be fine," he assured her. She glanced down at her hands then nodded. "When I transform, you can climb up to my back, sit in the divot between my wing joints and my neck. You'll find it, don't worry. The hard part will be getting up there."

"I'll manage just fine," she said, squaring her shoulders. She liked a challenge, and hearing him say this was difficult only made her more determined. He had all the confidence in the world that she could handle it.

"I know you will," he said softly, letting his eyes linger over her face again. He wanted to stare at her for hours. Know her features so well he could see her in his mind every time he closed his eyes.


It had been weeks and he felt like a different drengr. His parents had sent him here with high hopes. Even they couldn't have known how much this would truly change him.

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