Chapter 22 - An Accidental Revelation

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Theo watched, slack jawed, as his mate—his mate—ran from the gallery. She didn't bother to remove her painting smock, she just ran. His mate. Away from him. To chase her intended. As if Hawthorne's opinion mattered even in the slightest!

He rocked his jaw back and forth, taking a deep steading breath. She was human, he reminded himself. She'd been raised in a world far removed from the drengr. Her experience with them was limited to stories and retellings. She didn't understand, perhaps, their way of doing things.

For example, it was unlikely that she understood that for the drengr race, mates were sacred. That being mates excused such behavior as them kissing. Humans considered that sort of thing scandalous when done out of wedlock. Even more so for someone in her situation, soon to be married.

But kissing her mate? It abolished any other agreement. Nullified her upcoming marriage—or should.

He frowned, considering. She'd told him that being mates changed nothing. He'd chalked it up to her frayed nerves. But...had she been serious? Did she really still intend to marry Hawthorne?

A low growl rose in his chest and he took off after her at a quick pace. He'd never let her marry another. Never.

And yet...there was a small voice in his head. A dangerous voice. What if she didn't actually want him? What if what she'd claimed upon their first meeting, was something she intended to follow through with? What if she never wanted him beyond a few heated kisses? What if that was all she saw him as good for? Because he certainly hadn't given her any other reasons to admire him. Not with his reputation.

"Godsdamn it," he cursed, picking up his pace. "There's been a development," he warned his companions. "I might need your assistance. Stand by."

"What sort of development?" came Fallon's question.

"Did Lasker confront you about our involvement last night?" Amil asked.

"Or is this more of the Lady Sophie variety?" Xander wondered, chuckling.

"Hawthorne walked in on Sophie and me...that's not important. What is, is I'm about to confront a sticky situation. Not sure how this one is going to go."

He descended two staircases and rounded the corner in a long hallway before he heard raised voices. From there, it was easy to find her. He quickly relayed his location to the others, so that they'd be near if he needed them. Not that he couldn't take care of himself. He was perfectly capable.

He hesitated just outside the door, to take stock of the situation. A guard standing watch ignored him, but looked to be listening with interest. Theo did the same. "We should move the wedding forward, my lord. To tomorrow, to ensure that no further damage is done." Hawthorne was speaking. Just the sound of his voice made Theo want to punch something.

"You will still marry her, then?"

"Of course, so long as that princeling keeps his hands off her." Hawthorne made a scoffing sound. "I am appalled that you have not kept a tighter leash upon your own daughter."

"I can promise you that will be remedied immediately." Lord Lasker growled. There was a long hesitation, then Lasker hissed, "You were told chaperoned visits only, Sophie! I am beyond disappointed. My own daughter! Behaving like a common whore!"

Theo's body went rigid. He'd heard enough! He burst into motion and rounded the threshold, stepping into Lasker's study. "Say another word against her, and I'll burn you entire godsdamned keep to the ground."

"Oh. Your Highness. So good of you to join us." There was no respect in Lasker's voice. It grated, but he didn't have time to be offended.

"I will not tolerate you speaking to her in such a way," he growled through clenched teeth. "And there will be no wedding tomorrow. Tell them, Sophie."

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