Chapter 18 - The Way He'd Wanted

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Theo slipped into Sophie's room using the secret passage he'd found. The great keep back home had tons of them. Most old fortresses were built with them.

When he'd discovered Sophie's, he'd spent over an hour exploring the network it connected to. It might have been selfish, but he'd wanted a quick way to get into her room without others knowing. Especially that Gundry fellow, who always seemed to be lurking just outside her corridor, as if he expected the prince to appear. As if he expected him to snatch her and fly off into the sunset, never to return.

It did sound like a rather appealing idea.

Her room wasn't entirely dark. A single candle burned beside her bed. The curtains were down, but he could hear her soft breathing. He crept over and drew the fabric back, taking in the sight of her peaceful expression, lips parted, eyebrows relaxed. Her hair fanned out around her on the pillow.

Gods, she was so achingly beautiful. Not just on the outside, but the inside too. Her heart, the way she sacrificed to help her people, risking so much—it was more than he'd ever done as a prince. It inspired him. Made him want to be better—for her, for himself.

He pressed his lips together. Hawthorne had no idea how precious she was. What a gift he had in her.

He just saw her as a trophy. Someone to have. Someone to brag about over dinner conversation.

He'd steal her away to Mistport and lock her up in his house. She'd be away from the rebellion. Stuck living some mundane life.

Was that why she'd pushed so hard to end the rebellion? Why she'd taken such risks? Because she knew there was an expiration date on her time here?

He tied the curtain back and settled into a chair beside her bed. Was it inappropriate to watch her sleep? He silently snorted. Why did he care?

He'd come with the intention of waking her, but now...he couldn't quite bring himself to do it. Instead, he thought over the day's events. Over how things had turned out. He hadn't gotten to walk the battlements with her. Why? Because Hawthorne was visiting. So instead, she'd spent the entire day with him. Basking in his company.

What a waste!

Theo had caught sight of them going out for an afternoon ride. She'd looked resplendent in her riding gown, atop a beautiful beige mare, while Hawthorne had looked poppus, smug even. The sight had curtailed his stomach.

What good was being a prince if he couldn't march up to Hawthorne and demand he go back to Mistport so he'd have Sophie all to himself? He'd had half a mind to do it as they'd taken off on their horses. In the end, he'd held back knowing Sophie would be furious.

It was enough to make him want to punch something. Xander had been forced to drag him to a tavern to try and cheer him up. He'd sulked, had one single drink, then left his drengr friend to his frivolity. He'd spent the rest of the day devouring the book she'd given him.

He'd never dare tell his friends—or anyone, really—that he preferred romances over adventure stories. But he'd revealed that side of himself to Sophie. She hadn't even chastised him for it. She'd been surprised, and he'd like that—

"Theo?" Sophie's soft voice pulled him from his brooding thoughts. "What...what are you doing here? Is something wrong?"

She rubbed her eyes and sat up, scooting back until her back rested against the headboard.

"Nothing's wrong, sweetheart," he said.

Her eyes darted to his lap. "Is that the book I gave you?"

A smile pulled at his lips. "It is. I finished it. Thought I'd return it so we could...discuss."

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