Chapter 25 - Days To Come

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I gaped open mouthed at everything happening around me. Theo must have sensed my shock because he pulled me more tightly against his side, sheltering me. The rest of the events of my so called wedding were a blur. The guests were dismissed. Hawthorne and Lord Lasker were clapped in irons and escorted to the dungeons—a fitting punishment for my father especially. The king's shields escorted the rest of us, my brothers included, into the keep to discuss the matters that had transpired.

They wanted documented proof of everything, and we had plenty of it.

It was only when Theo explained what Lasker had done to him with the wine that the shields went from stiff business to downright livid. "He did what?!" Kardin growled, coming to his feet.

"He admitted all of it to me," I said, coming to Theo's defense, so that the drengr would know Theo wasn't throwing around accusations. "He came to me just before I was to be married, said that he'd kill the prince if he had to. He didn't like that Theo meddled in his affairs, that he was fighting for the right side of the rebellion."

"Gods above," Kardin said, scrubbing a hand over his face before plopping back down in his chair. We were seated in a large parlor, one my father often used for entertaining guests. There were plenty of sofas and chairs for us.

I couldn't help but share a look with my older brother, who looked utterly bewildered by all of this. "Torin, did you...did you know?"

Torin's eyes widened, and I saw the hurt on his face, there and gone. "You really think I'd have helped him, sister? You know me better than that. I'm the one who told you months ago that I didn't like Hawthorne as a match for you."

Yes, he had said that, hadn't he? I'd ignored him, of course. Because...brothers.

"I'm sorry," I admitted to him. "I should have listened."

Torin nodded, his gaze turning shrewd. "Are the two of what you claimed true? That you're mates?"

"What?" It was Jacek that spoke this time. "What is he talking about, Prince?"

"Yeah," Fallon added. "I'd like to know, too. Wasn't quite expecting that shock. Tell me it wasn't purely for show."

"Not for show." Theo's lips twitched before stretching into a shy smile. "Sophie and I are mates. We found out right after the rebel base was compromised." As he spoke, he looked straight into my eyes and I wanted to melt at the sight of his warm expression.

"The lord's daughter?" Jacek's voice was flat enough that he obviously doubted Theo's proclamation.

Theo's companions didn't. Xander said, "Well, that explains why you've been losing your mind over her."

"Agreed. Don't think I've ever seen you so love-struck, Princeling." Fallon couldn't help his chuckle.

"Indeed," Theo confirmed, reaching for my hand and squeezing it. "It's a long story, Jacek, but I'll tell it if you really wish to hear it. I would not lie about something so serious."

Jacek lifted his brows, as if to say, wouldn't you? I shot him a mean glare. As soon as he saw me looking at him, his expression softened, and then he shrugged, looking away.

"Your parents are going to lose their ever loving minds over this when they find out," Kardin said, a smile pulling at his lips. "I thought you looked different. I should have known."

"Different?" Theo's brow arched. "Different how?"

"More responsible. Less scoffing. Less like you don't want anyone to know how much you actually care, and more like you do actually care and don't mind other people seeing it."

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