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I sucked in a sharp breath at the near painful compression of my chest. "Gods! Looser, please. I will pass out, otherwise."

"It's meant to be this tight, my lady," Naria insisted, offering me a warm smile in the mirror's reflection. Her deep brown skin made her teeth appear even more brilliantly white and perfect. Naria was one of my new lady's maids. I had three. Amelina, Naria, and Yasmine. While Amelina and I were from the north, Naria and Yasmine were both from the south-east. They had journeyed to the capital at the request of the announcement that went out the day after I'd arrived.

Queen Lena had been adamant that I receive the perfect lady's maids. We'd both talked it over at length. In the end, we decided to open the position to any who might wish to apply. It seemed fair that way. Plus, I wasn't keen on employing women from the great keep's court. I wanted fresh faces, women who were hungry about making a new life for themselves. Eager, the way I was.

I'd allowed a month for interested applicants to travel to the capital, and had even offered a stipend to assist with travel costs. After that, I'd taken the time to speak with all of them. All two hundred. It had taken nearly three weeks. Naria and Yasmine had immediately impressed me. I'd hired them on the spot.

After nearly two months, they'd become more than lady's maids. They'd become dear friends. Amelina loved them too.

"Here, I have this for your hair," Yasmine announced, coming forward with a beautiful tiara. I gasped at the silver shine of it, the way the strands were woven together. Simple, yet, timeless. "It's from the queen," she explained. "She wanted to give it to you herself, but was otherwise engaged."

"It's..." I could barely find the words.

"Apparently," Yasmine added, "it belonged to Dragonwall's first princess. The one that disappeared. Princess Irelia. It's becoming a tradition to pass it down."

My eyes blurred with tears. Gods, I loved Lena. I almost wanted to call her Mother because she'd begun to fill the gaping hole mine had left behind. We took tea together, went out into the city on walks, visited the market. She was perfect, everything a queen ought to be. She even told me of her younger days, of her escapades, about the way she'd pranked the nobles at court. Even the infamous story of her appearing before potential mates dressed as a renegade pirate, just to get them to go home.

"It seems we both have stories worth telling our children," she'd also said, when she'd heard mine. To this day, the praise made my cheeks flush when I thought of her words. But I especially flushed at the thought of having a child with Theo.

Amelina breezed into the room. "He's here! He's here! Hurry!"


He'd finally made the journey. I'd been beside myself with eager nerves for his arrival. Ever since Fallon, Theo's dear friend and future shield had announced his impending arrival, the keep had been in a heightened state of activity. That, on top of the preparations already being made for tomorrow.

I exhaled, then nodded, letting Naria finish with the ties of my gown before Yasmine worked her magic on my hair. Amelina fussed with my face, dusting my cheeks with rouge and lining my eyes with kohl. Through it all, I could barely breathe.

A pounding fist slammed against the door. It made all of us jump. "Lady Claws, I know you're in there," a familiar voice growled. "You were supposed to meet me in the corridor ten minutes ago." I stifled a giggle. "Shall I break down this door, or are you coming out?"

"Coming!" I called before sharing a look with my ladies. They all knew how impatient the prince was when it came to me.

I checked myself over once more, admiring the burgundy color of my gown, the jewels at my neck—a gift from Theo last week—and the tiara atop my head. I wasn't officially a princess yet, not until I was bonded, but sometimes, when Theo and I hid in the shadows kissing, he'd call me princess as an endearment. It always made heat simmer in my center, especially when his kisses would linger beneath my jaw as he'd murmur things against my skin. Things he wanted to do to me, mostly.

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