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Taehyung squinted his eyes open as the jerk of the vehicle turned harsh around the corner

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Taehyung squinted his eyes open as the jerk of the vehicle turned harsh around the corner. He furrowed his brows as the darkness around him diminished occasionally when the small light seeped through the glasses of the vehicle.

"What's happening?" He asked groggily his voice still sore from the screaming and fight with Viper's men.

Wait, a minute!


Fuck, where the hell is he?

Taehyung's head looked around to see a bunch of men seated in the vehicle. He tried to move but his hands were cuffed and his legs were tied too.

"We are heading to the jail if that's what you are wondering about." A voice rang from the side of Taehyung.

"Major?" Taehyung bit his inner cheek to suppress the anger building within his veins.

"You will be watched 24/7 in the jail by me. So, you better behave there," Yoongi spoke in a firm tone with his eyes staring straight ahead not once looking in the direction of Taehyung.

"How can you do this to us?" Taehyung's voice ran dry.

His lips trembled as he watched the same pair of cuffs over Yoongi's hands too, "Guess this is what I get for my wrongdoings? I hope to have a great time with you in the jail," Yoongi laughed softly and went back to stare out of the car.

Taehyung head hurt with all the possibilities Jimin could be in.

He couldn't afford to think of how Viper would hurt his Jimin.

Also, Jungkook...

If Yoongi is here then who's with Kook?

Taehyung's helplessness took the best out of him and he screamed in a blood-chilling voice with his hands constantly hitting the window beside him. It took a good ten minutes for Yoongi to stop Taehyung.

"I hate you!" Taehyung spoke the words before falling into a deep slumber all again as the guard from the front hit Taehyung in the head.

"Why did you hit him?" Yoongi snapped at the guard.

"He was a menace. I need some peace when we reach there. You better sit quietly or I might do the same with you too."

Yoongi gritted his teeth with his fisted hands trying to hold back the urge to kill the guard right there.


Jimin gasped as he woke up. Sweat covered his forehead, his hands turned pale at the vivid dreams he had. He quickly shuffled out of his bed and ran towards the door to open it.


He tried to jerk the doorknob a few times before violently hitting his fisted hands over the door, "Open the fucking door!" He screamed.

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