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Fluff ahead~

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Fluff ahead~

"I am sorry, Jungkook. I couldn't stop him." Taehyung began and buried his face into his palms.

Jungkook sighed as he sat blankly without speaking a word. They both were sitting at the extrance of the huge mansion with a huge question mark over their head.

A big mansion behind their back.

A limited edition car in the backyard.

A newspaper with Jungkook's headlines in the front.

A man with the most shares in Jeon corporation.

The only orphan who hit this big.

Yet, none of it was his.

Not a single stone under his feet was his.

Everything felt so bland and hopeless.

He got up dragged his feet towards the kitchen. Every step he placed forward, a part of the floor behind began falling. It was as if the moment he stopped walking the floor would eat him up.

Jungkook pulled out the sharpest knife out of the stack and stared at it. He smiled sinfully before licking it's sharp end. Drops of blood oozed out as they cut through his lips.

He felt a hand from behind that pulled out the knife out of his hand carefully and turned him to face him, "What do you think you are doing?" Taehyung asked with a concern.

"Tae, what do you know about a pufferfish?" Jungkook asked closing the distance between them.

"What about them?" Tae wrapped his arms around the male's waist dropping the knife to the ground.

"It's calm until you decide to harm it. It's calm until you decide to hamper with its life. It's calm until it senses danger. No matter how small it is compared to its predator. The moment it blows up, it's an end for it's predator. It's spikes make sure to hurt the predator so hardly that they end up starving for days unable to feed on anything in general. And that's exactly what I am going to turn into." Jungkook closed his eyes as he felt Taehyung's lips brush over his.

"A predator?" Taehyung asked with a chuckle.

"Nah! A pufferfish that's going to rip everyone in this damn world for the sake of you two." Jungkook spoke in a rage, his hands gripping onto Taehyung's nape.

"I wonder how hot headed is this pufferfish going to turn then." Taehyung smiled closing his own eyes taking in the other's scent.

"Very hot one!" With that being said Jungkook locked his lips with Taehyung.

The latter hadn't expected such a rough kiss from the bunny. He guided Jungkook towards the counter and pushed him over it.

He softly lached onto Jungkook's lips before biting them hard. The younger moaned softly as the slight sting created sparks in his body. He traced his fingers into taehyung's hair and slowly detached their lips, he couldn't help but stare at the others flushed face.

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