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"Jebb!" Yoongi called out as he held the broomstick between his fingers

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"Jebb!" Yoongi called out as he held the broomstick between his fingers.

"Hm?" Taehyung turned around to lock eyes with Yoongi.

"Thank you," Yoongi's voice was soft yet Taehyung heard it.


"For protecting me the day we entered here and for staying with me all this while-"

"Wait, hold up! Why are you talking like you are leaving?" Taehyung frowned and walked towards the male.

"I am going to stab you to death, Jebb. I am going back to Viper once I kill you." Hot tears gushed down Yoongi's cheeks.

"You are joking. Aren't you?" Taehyung's voice cracked.

"It's been too long since I have seen Hoseok. I...need to see him. I am sorry!" With that Yoongi pushed the sharp-toothed weapon right under Taehyung's rib piercing through his skin and pushing it in. Taehyung let out a muffled cry.

One of the guards saw their encounter and buzzed the alarm.

"This will make things more complicated than I thought," Yoongi says with his eyes shifting between the guard and Taehyung.

"Guess...what! I love complicated mess." Tae smiles weakly and holds onto Yoongi's hands with his.

Taehyung's face scrunched as the object twisted his insides and screamed his lungs out. The pain seared through his abdomen. His breathing was hampered as he clutched onto Yoongi's biceps but it didn't help. He gasped short quick breaths before his knees gave up and he slid down to the ground right over his knees.

"I hope to see you again, Major," Tae said in a struggling tone.

"Me too," Yoongi said fixing his shirt and wiping the blood off his hands, and glancing at the male that kneeled before him in defeat.

The officers came rushing in with their guns pointed over Yoongi's head. Yoongi simply shrugged his shoulders and winked at Tae as he raised his hands in defeat in front of the officer's guns.

"Inmate 0993! Why did you do that?"

"This bitch challenged me!" Yoongi laughed out loud as he got handcuffed and taken away.

One of the officers came rushing towards Taehyung, "Inmate 3012! Are you okay? Can you hear me?" He then leaned over to Tae's side to check his pulse, "Call the ambulance, now!" He ordered the other officers standing behind him and they rushed back to follow the orders.

Tae blinked a few times at the scorching bright sun and dropped his head towards the part of his body that was hell.

It was moments before Taehyung collapsed to the floor, breathing through his pursed lips that raised a little dust off the ground.




Mr. Bang rubs his palms as he waits for the hospital van to head their way.

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