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Mr. Bang pushed Jungkook toward the middle of an empty road, "You know the drill, right? Get the information at all costs."

"C...can't you accompany me?" Jungkook chewed his bottom lip in fear as he looked at the faraway car with a bunch of men. 

"You remember rules, right?" Mr. Bang stood behind Jungkook who was staring at the car and leaned against his ear, "Stay alive no matter what." He ordered and walked backward before turning around over his toes and running towards his car.

Jungkook took quick shaky breaths as he stood in the middle of nowhere with a hoodie covering most of his face and baggy pants that made him look more built than the skinny person he currently was.

I can do this.

I am a man!

I can do this.

I can do- fuck! I can't! Jungkook cursed under his breath as he watched the stranger pull out a pocket knife and play with it as he laughed with his gang.

Jungkook shrugged his head and exhaled one last time before advancing slowly toward the crowd.

He isn't scared.

Hah! They should be scared of him.

A pocket knife is just child's play.

He can easily take them down!

He...can right? Jungkook's eyebrows knitted together both in fear and anger as he watched the gang from proximity.

"Meds! Now!" One of them screamed and shoved a person against their car.

"I don't want to do this anymore!" The person screamed as he tried to get off their clutches.

Jungkook flinched as the man was punched right in the face for disobeying. The gang cornered the man as they continued to threaten him.

Jungkook's legs felt wobbly as he stood and stared longer at the fight between the man and the gang. He looked around for some kind of help but couldn't find anything reasonable.

Wait! What's that? Jungkook carefully slid to the side to catch hold of a thing that would help him in the current circumstances.

"I am giving you one last chance. Better speak up, bitch!"


"Give them to us!"

"I said no, fucking no!"

"Hold up psychopaths!" Jungkook screamed at top of his lungs and ran towards the gang like an ostrich who was running for urgent pee intermission but who cares.

The gang members were startled by the sudden scream and turned around. Before they could see Jungkook, he had already slapped a heavy load of mud right over their eyes.

SMOKE RINGS | VMINKOOK [ ONGOING ]Where stories live. Discover now