Chapter 1

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A/N: It is not necessary, but if you have not read Allie in Wonderlust then please do. Certain things might make more sense and Allie will appear in this story. But this story will also be written as a stand alone so its not detrimental.


The Red Empress sat upon her red and black throne, high above her subjects, while filling her sharp blood colored nails.

She released a sigh, half in bliss while the other half was in complete disgust.

A sudden movement from under her Diyi, her formal red and black robes, caught her attention, making her eye the large bump beneath the fabric. Another slurp-like sound, followed by the feeling of an unnecessary amount of wetness, caused Cordelia to cringe.

The soldier underneath was eating her pussy like it was a cut open orange.

It was sloppy and uncoordinated, and he seemed to have no idea how a vagina works, nevermind what it looked like.

This man is supposed to be in my harem? I hope he is a better soldier than this.

His handsome facial structure and impressive physique pulled her attention out of the soldier line up as she was walking the grounds with her Ladies in Waiting several days before, making her give him a chance to be in her harem.

But looks can be deceiving.

She knew that all too well.

Having had enough of the soldier's terrible cunnilings, she used her bare foot to push him out from under her robes.

He fell backwards, the force of the push causing him to roll down a few steps to the next landing before he could recover and sit on his knees before her.

Cordelia readjusted her robes before turning her attention to the soldier.

"That was terrible," her voice rang throughout the room, making several of her subjects cringe.

"I am truly sorry, your Majesty," his voice echoed in an automatic response.

Even with the echoing, she could hear how hollow the apology was.

She tapped the nail file on her chin, looking him over for a moment.

"Ah," she smiled while handing the nail file to one of her servants. "You are terrible at it because you do not like it. Do you like pussy? Or do you have such little experience that you need some lessons?"

His face turned red at her question, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to find an appropriate answer that would not cost him his heart.


Cordelia stood up and gracefully walked down the several steps to the landing. When she was in front of him, she bent over and lifted his chin up with her hand.

Looking into his muddy brown eyes, her suspicions were confirmed.

How did I not notice before?

"You prefer cock," she whispered.

The hand holding his chin moved to grasp his face, making his lips puff out a little and fear to appear in his eyes.

Too bad, with practice he could have been adequate.

"I have an idea," she purred. "How about you service my harem? That is beneficial for both of us, do you not agree?"

She saw his eyes flash with arousal and excitement before he quickly shut down his emotions.

"If that is what my Empress wants," he politely responded.

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