Chapter 8

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Past, 1800s

Cordelia's eyes shot open as she sat up and turned to the unfamiliar voice, her head spinning from the sudden switch in position.

She grabbed her head and hissed, pain shooting throughout her body as a reminder that she did not have the most graceful of landings.

After several deep breaths, she tried again to look at who was talking to her, moving at a much slower pace this time.

Only for her to be distracted at the sight in front of her.

She was laying in the middle of a large throne room, decorated in dark blues and greens against stone walls with a high ceiling and a hanging candle chandelier.

The colors might have given off calm vibes to others, but to her it nearly did the opposite.

In fact, Cordelia found it too ostentatious for her tastes.

But she could not help but marvel at how large the room was.

I must be inside the castle that the mouse was bringing me to.

As she looked down, she noticed a long dark blue rug that went all the way up a flight of stairs to a dias, then another set of stairs until it tapered off into another dias which held two beautiful jade colored chairs with dark blue cushions.

The longer she looked over the room, the more she realized that even though everything appeared to be extravagant, it was overshadowed by dust and time.

In other words, the castle was in ruins.

How can something so beautiful be so... dull?



Cordelia's head tilted as she heard the distinct sound of a clock.



Her fingers curled into the rug, the ticking making her grit her teeth together in irritation.



Nostrils flaring, Cordelia turned her head to look for the incessant noise.



Looking behind her, her eyes meet with a pair of legs wearing white pants.

She lifted her head as she slowly made her way up the body, stopping briefly at the edge of the pants hanging low on the person's hips, revealing a nice V that had Cordelia's mouth watering.

How scandalous, she thought as she bit her lip.

Her eyes traveled up farther, enjoying the view of the toned body but stopping on the stomach as she realized the person was not wearing a shirt.

Their skin is so pale...

Cordelia shot her eyes up to the person's face, holding in a gasp at the rare beauty that was before her.

Though half of his face was covered in a gold rabbit mask made out of clock fixings, Cordelia could not help but marvel at his white hair and red eyes.

At her staring, the man smirked, drawing her attention to his clean shaven square jaw and pink, slightly plumped, lips.

Her own heart skipped a beat at how handsome this man was, even with his eyes glaring down at her while he held a pocket watch between his fingers.

He looked down at the watch, then back at her.

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