Chapter 14

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Past, 1900s

Cordelia snatched the woman's hair, pulling it back so her head tilted up.

Taking her other hand, she caressed the woman's face as she stared into the hazel eyes that were so similar to her great uncles.

Disappointment flooded her, however, as she could not see the small tint of red that Jacques' eyes held. But the rest of her features were all the same.

Even the way she carried herself.

"What do you think you are doing in this world?" Cordelia asked, pulling her hair a little more.

The woman glared at her, her lips curling back as she revealed her jagged teeth.

Cordelia fought back the urge to lean away at the god-awful smell that seemed to be emanating from her mouth.

"I apparently have lust that this land needs. And I will gladly give it up... in exchange for some answers."

With boredom settling in, Cordelia released the woman's hair and turned away.

"What is your name?" She asked, trying to appear interested, like the woman had something she did want. But really there was nothing Cordelia wanted less.

Thanks to her past experience of ruling over the asylum, she made sure the lust they procured over the time she's been around was enough to last many lifetimes.

Cordelia had no need of this woman's tainted lust.


Crossing her arms and tapping her fingers, Cordelia thought of how she could make this fun.

"You claim that I am the reason behind your uncle's disappearance," putting out her hand so her palm was up, Cordelia waited until she felt the cool metal of a nail file touch her skin. Smiling in thanks at the Twin, she began to file her nails.

"What evidence do you have that supports such a claim, Josephine?" She asked while not bothering to turn around, concentrating on her nails while half listening to the poor explanation.

"My great grandfather told the story of how his son was taken by a whore known as Madam C. How his son was put under her spell and taken to do unholy, wretched things."

Practically feeling the anger and resentment radiating off of the woman and directed to her back, Cordelia could not help but roll her eyes at the fabricated tales she was hearing.

"Did this great grandfather ever talk about his own perversions?" Cordelia asked in a bored tone, examining her newly filed nail before moving to the next one.

"What are you talking about? My great grandfather, grandfather, and father are dignified men! They would never have anything to do with whatever you sluts do!" Josephine spat at Cordelia's feet.

"But what about you?"

The simple question she had for Josephine was enough for the other woman to pause in her anger.

" a little girl in their eyes. Useless and a burden, someone who will never contribute to the family name because of my gender..."

Cordelia looked over her shoulder at the woman, her eyebrow raised in question.

From the stories I have heard from other women, people are beginning to judge gender less harshly as time goes on in the other world.

"But, if I can find out what had happened to my great uncle and bring them a sense of justice, they will accept me for me!" Josephine raised her head up, giving Cordelia a good view of the desperate want of acceptance in her eyes.

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