Chapter 16

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Past, 1900s

Magic from the potion vibrated through her veins as Cordelia's dress fell down around her and encased her in a sea of silky red.

It was surreal to see everything turn gigantic while she became a tiny thing.

If it wasn't for the fact that Madness was trying to end her existence, Cordelia felt she could enjoy this new view on life.

A life of watching the giants play their little games.

Coming out of her thoughts, she watched as the vines wrapped around themselves in the same place she had stood just moments before.

Or rather, where her body was until she shrank down to a small size.

"My Lady!" A voice called in a hush tone from the hedges.

Looking over her shoulder, she saw Droyn reaching for her within the maze hedge.

"Grab her!" Madness yelled again to no one in particular, a type of confidence she herself strived for every day.

It made her sick stomach churn angrily at the thought of his disappointment in her.

Now is not the time...

The Gryphons roared and screeched loudly while the plant sent more vines to her.

Cordelia looked back one more time at Madness, betrayal and sadness marring her beautiful features, before running to Droyn and grabbing his paw-like hand.

With bruising strength, Droyn held tightly as he thrusted her into the hedge just as one of the Gryphons' claws came down.

They held onto each other, giving themselves a moment to catch their breaths before running for their lives.

The little mouse knight pulled Cordelia back until she was at arms length, looking her over with his black beady eyes.

His nose twitched, causing his whiskers to bounce a little.

"My Lady... I would ask if you are alright, but we do not have the time," he hurriedly spoke, a little bit of pity mixed in with his words that nearly had her breaking down in a fit of tears right then and there.

There is no time for pity, whether it's from him or myself.

First, we must find a safe place.

"Oh!... Uh," Droyn's sudden awkward presence had Cordelia looking at him in confusion with a lifted eyebrow.

The mouse knight cleared his throat and looked away with his white fur cheeks tinted pink.

"You-ah... Y-your clothes seem to have not sh-shrunk... with you," he stumbled out.

Cordelia looked down at her body, seeing what had Droyn so tongue-tied.

"Oh," she mumbled while staring at her naked body. Not being covered never bothered her before, but the fact Droyn was uncomfortable with it suddenly made her self-conscious.

"I will get clothes later," she snapped in response to the unfamiliar feelings.

Droyn swallowed thickly.

"You can borrow something of min-"

Cordelia grabbed her knight's face before he could finish, her fingers digging into his soft fur.

"Droyn," Cordelia said in a tone that demanded his attention.

"As you just said, there is no time," she whispered. "Those Gryphons have claws and sharp beaks that could easily tear this thing down, we need to move."

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