Chapter 10

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Past, 1800s

"Fun?" Cordelia repeated, trying to hide her own smirk and blinking innocently. "Whatever do you mean?"

Madness stared at her, his eyes boring into her so intensely she felt the little hairs on her neck rise up.

In one swift movement, he flipped the table to the side, sending their cups, sugars, and creams flying through the air. The sudden action made Cordelia jump up and take a step back, her mind advising caution to the fact that Madness might not be the same person she used to know.

It felt like a bucket of cold water had been dumped onto her.

Perhaps, I should be more wary of him.

She took two, cautious steps back.

Especially in this new place that I know next to nothing about.

"Droyn!" Madness yelled, looming over her like a statue even with the distance.

"Yes, Sir?" The little mouse squeaked out, running out from within a tall hedge.

Cordelia blinked at the knight, realizing she had not taken in the scenery around her.

Where did that plant drag me?

Avoiding Madness' oddly intense gaze, she looked around.

She was in the middle of a maze with hedges so high she could not see over them even if she stood on her toes.

The area they were sitting in was large and spacious with luscious cut green grass and a few red spider lilies strategically placed in a circle around them.

Were those roses before? Like the others?

The plant pet caught her eye, the thing moving stealthily around the area until it found the opening of the maze. It disappeared behind the hedges, its vines being the last to withdraw as it dragged them behind it.

"Yes, Sir!"

Droyn's voice brought Cordelia back to the two near her, making her realize she did not hear what Madness had to say to the little knight.

She watched the mouse scamper away in haste, the armor he wore clinking together as he disappeared into the maze.

Silence fell upon them as Cordelia took in the fact that it was just the two of them now.

There were no sounds of buzzing insects or nearby pedestrians to help alleviate the awkwardness that seemed to be blanketing the already intense atmosphere. Just the sunset that never truly sets and the discarded table and chairs

It was deafening to her, especially after residing near and working within a city.

She felt a hand trail up her arm, causing her skin to be peppered with gooseflesh while tingles ran throughout her body and gathered in her lower abdomen.

"Tell me, Cordelia," Madness growled out, causing a shiver of delight at the rough tone to travel up her spine. "Did someone already get to taste your sweetness before me?"

Cordelia froze, her eyes widening at the possessiveness and the fact that he would want to be the first one in this world to taste her.

Gulping, she turned her head to look up into his eyes.

She had to stop herself from jumping back at how close he was, but at that proximity she could see that the silver in his eyes were tiny cog wheels, ticking by as the time went on.


The oddness of his eyes had her staring longer than she should have, the aura of jealousy and dominance radiating off of him so heavily her knees were ready to give out at any moment.

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