Chapter 15

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Past, 1900s

Cordelia kept her poise, even though on the inside she was a nervous mess.

Her eyes shifted to the side, taking note that his pet Wininu was nearby, hiding behind one of the tall maze hedges.

"You gave me permission-"

"I gave you permission to bring in people that would benefit my world. From what I have been seeing, you have been allowing anyone who has even an ounce of lust to provide. Even going so far as letting sexual criminals in-"

"That is something I had already planned to talk about with my recruiters. They have become lazy in their work," Cordelia clenched her jaw, upset that Madness was upset with her.

"I plan on making sure they know that I do not tolerate laziness," she hissed through her teeth.

Madness kept his glare but leaned back in his chair.

"Recruiters?" He asked with slight interest.

Cordelia nodded once with her head.

"It is an effective way to get more people into this world. Since I can no longer go to the other world, I use others that I trust to gather people that fit the descriptions I set for them. Sometimes, unsavory people slip through the cracks, which is why I plan on having a conversation with my recruiters about being more diligent about who comes here."

Madness did not say anything, only tapping his finger on the table.

"Is that why you called me for tea?" Cordelia asked, motioning to the table and his teacup with her wounded hand. "To chastise me for what I have done for your realm? For how I took over your position of finding lust-filled people so you could reap the benefits without lifting a finger?"

"No," he muttered as he grabbed his tea and took a sip.

"No, my whore. I have called upon you to discuss something rather unpleasant."

Putting down his tea, he gave her his full attention.

Something inside Cordelia told her this discussion was not going to end well.

A possible turning point in her life.

"Your lust has been dwindle dwindle dwindling to nothing as of late. And, as if to make matters worse, when you do have lust..." he paused, smacking his lips together as if emphasizing his next words. "It tastes foul and undesirable."

Cordelia's eyes widen slightly, her heart thumping hard against her ribcage and her hands sweating.

He can taste lust?

"Obviously you are shocked by my... unique talent. Just like this land, I take in lust as a means to survive... and enjoy," his eyes flashed with excitement as he said the last word.

Swallowing thickly, Cordelia continued to act innocent.

I have an idea of what he means, but I potentially could be wrong.

"Of course I would be shocked. You have never mentioned such an ability before," she replied coolly.

Madness smiled.

"Hmmm. That is why I like you, my precious whore. Even when you face something shocking, something different, something unpredictable, you hold yourself high and respond with such elegance it would be a surprise from anyone that your feathers could get ruffled."

Keep still.

Do not show that you are flustered.

He is turning this into a game.

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