Chapter 4

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Past, 1800s

Five years later

Cordelia's body moved back and forth as the man behind her thrusted into her pussy.

The lewd sounds of their fucking echoed around them and through the dimly light alley, making her wetter and desperate for more.

She whimpered pathetically, her head bowed down while looking at the ground with her hands against the building to help steady herself and to keep her head from smashing into it as he harshly pumped into her.

"Mmm, harder," she demanded, her nails digging into the brick while her body continued to climb higher to her orgasm.

The man behind her obliged, his own fingers digging into her hips to keep her up and with his rhythm.

"Huh, ugh!"

Gritting her teeth at the familiar sounds, Cordelia reached between her legs, through the masses of fabric from her dress, and grabbed the man's testicles.

"Cum before me and I will take your twin berries as my trophy," she squeezed to emphasize her words, not hating the feel of soft flesh and coarse hair between her fingers. "Understood?"

Cordelia held tight until he managed a straggled yes.

Satisfied, she released them.

"Good," she spun around to face him. "Now, make me cum."

Cordelia lifted her skirts with one hand while the other grabbed the man's arm to bring him close again.

He took the hint by grabbing her by the waist and lifting her up.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, Cordelia let him lower herself onto his hard cock.

They both let out a sigh in pleasure and relief.

The man secured her with one arm around her back and one against the wall, while she squeezed her legs around him and held onto his broad shoulders.

Pumping up and down, Cordelia let her head fall back as the familiar tingles enveloped her limbs.

Yes, yes!

As the man increased his thrusts, Cordelia angled her hips so her clit was grinding against him.

Toes curling and body tightening, she was teetering on the edge of her orgasm.

"Bite my neck," she whispered to the man, grabbing onto the back of his head and moving it to the spot she wanted him to bite.

The man hesitated for a second, as if the request was too much for a gentleman such as himself, before giving the area a quick kiss.

Cordelia let out an unladylike disgruntled noise, ready to berate him for declining her request when he bit down onto her flushed flesh.

It was just what Cordelia needed.

She cried out while her whole body clutched onto the man as she felt every bit of her being enveloped by the waves of pleasure.

When she slowly felt everything shift back to normal, the man pumping into her stumbled a bit as he finally orgasmed too, making her cling onto him a little tighter than she usually liked.

As they both leaned against the brick wall, trying to catch their breath, the sounds of the people walking by the alley finally made it to their ears.

Quickly, Cordelia hopped off the man. She smoothed out her outfit and made sure her small red laced top hat was still in place, wanting to look presentable if necessary.

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