Chapter 12

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Past, 1800s

Cordelia fell limp into Madness' arms as his own orgasm followed hers.

When he came down from bliss, he gently cradled Cordelia in his arms, brushing away some of her hair that had stuck to her face from sweating.

"Ah. She passed out," he mumbled with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Such a shame, crying shame, great pity, I was planning to do more to her, indeed unfortunate...But! I guess the stress of arriving, learning of her death, meeting various, questionable beings, meeting me, and you, again," he turned his unconcerned gaze towards Jacques. "On top of multiple orgasms was truly too much for her system to bear."

Jacques still sat on his knees, the chains taunt behind him from trying to get closer to Cordelia.

To see her.

To touch her.

To smell her.

He found her disgusting, yet he could not deny his need for her.

He raised his head to take in the man before him.

"Oh, ho, ho. Look at that gaze you are bestowing upon me...A gaze of confidence... a gaze of pure hatred," Madness sucked a breath through his teeth, his silver eyes glowing in excitement. He crouched down, tightening his grip on Cordelia. "But when you gaze at her, you reek of uncertainty... doubt... indecision... want..."

Madness cocked his head at his prisoner.

"Tell me...How did it feel to see your latest victim alive?"

Jacques did not respond.

"How did it feel to watch me fuck your victim unconscious?"

Again, he did not respond.

"I know your tongue is still in your mouth, so why do you not answer?"

Jacques narrowed his eyes, not giving in to the man who imprisoned him.

Madness adjusted the woman in his arms, having her body face Jacques while her head tilted back onto his shoulder, her long dark hair falling over her face.

Jacques took in the beautiful, exotic woman, seeing her naked form fully for the first time.

And frowned in disappointment when he saw no evidence of his work.

Madness took a hand and caressed the skin on her stomach.

"I see your displeasure. Are you upset that she does not bear your mark?" He trailed his hand up her stomach, past her breasts and grasped her chin. "Do you not like the fact there is no trace of you on her?"

Thumb rubbing her cheek, Madness peered down at her with fondness in his eyes before looking back at his captive.

"I made sure all evidence of you marring her beautiful, light brown skin was gone when she came to this world."

Jacques eyes snapped back to Madness, his reddish-brown eyes shifting to pure red the more his captor talked.

Madness beamed with happiness at the look.

"Ah. I see, you have an obsession...a compulsion...a delusion of my precious whore. I wonder where that came from. Hmm?" Bringing his hand back down, Madness clutched her body against him, trying to hide as much of her as possible. "Perhaps, you caught your mother dallying with a client? Watched the entire exchange from the handshake to the agreed upon payment?"

Jacques' hands fisted, the veins in his forehead becoming prominent the more Madness spoke.

"Or..." Madness leaned closer to the bars, the gears in his silver eyes clicking louder at the reaction of his passion. "Was your father in the profession of selling pleasure for money?"

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