Chapter 5

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Past, 1800s

Tightening and relaxing her hands to free herself of the stress that Mr. Smith caused, Cordelia walked back to the wall that held her odd items and put back the riding crop.

She crossed her arms and tilted her head, tapping her fingers against her bicep while examining each piece, trying to decide which would be the best to use in the next scenario.

Perhaps I will wait and see what this man is like before deciding.

As if waiting for her thoughts on him, the door opened.

She listened as his footsteps descended the stairs, but instead of greeting him, she kept her back to him.

It was a way for him to see that she could care less who he was, whether he was the chairman of the city, or some lowly servant.

When she heard him finally make it to the bottom step, she turned her head slightly.

"You may address me as Madam C," she began. "My word is rule in this room, if that is something you might find displeasurable, then you can leave."

Fully facing the man, she continued.

"You have our full discretion when you are down here playing with me. But mind you I have no problem exposing you to the world if you assault me or the girls up stairs," placing her hands behind her back, Cordelia lifted her chin. "Even if you use a false name, I have ways of finding out your true identity."

She gave the man a moment to think over her words before speaking again.

"Now, what should I call you?"

The man stepped forward, the light from the candles only showing half his face.

"My name is Jacques, friend of Marshall Smith," a sly smile slowly appeared on his face. "Smith has spoken so highly of you that I grew curious myself."

Cordelia lifted a brow in question while carefully watching his moves.

"Though I never would have imagined taking such a liking to..." he paused, looking around while trying to find the right word. "This."

While he surveyed the room, Cordelia took her time to study him.

He was young, perhaps twenty years of age, yet had an air of maturity around him. His long blonde hair was slicked back with the ends curling around the collar of his shirt. His facial features were sharp, sharper than what she had ever seen on a man, with a cut jawline, high cheekbones, and slightly longer sharp nose. There appeared to be no facial hair, his face smooth from a recent shave, making every angle of his face stand out that much more.

He was also tall, which made her tilt her head up to look into his face, and his body appeared to be lean, even under the suit he wore.

Cordelia unclasped her hands from behind her back, opting to hold her elbow while she fanned her fingers out in front of her face to help hide a mischievous smirk.

He is giving off vibes of innocence... but...

Smirk dropping, Cordelia narrowed her eyes, really taking in the young man.

There is something... cruel about him.

"So... how does this work... Madam C?"

Clearing her throat, she dropped her hands.

"Well, the first meeting usually is me getting to know you and seeing how well we work together. This type of sex is not for everyone, and I do not want you to not enjoy yourself."

Cordelia walked slowly towards him, the light sounds of her boots stepping on the dirt echoing around them.

She lifted a hand and placed it gently on his shoulder.

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