Chapter 13

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Past, 1900s

Cordelia stood in the darkness with no light to guide her way.

With hesitation, she walked forward, her bare feet making small ripples in the black like she was walking on water.

Having no place to aim her attention, Cordelia focused her eyes in front of her.

And continued to move forward with no other objective in mind.

'Keep moving.'

Cordelia felt her feet stick to the black.

'Keep moving.'

Each step started to become harder to take as the black began to cling to the skin on her feet and creep up her legs inch by inch.

'It is so cold,' she thought as she shivered while wrapping her arms around her body.

'Do not give in, just keep moving.'

The darkness began to move around her as she listened to her thoughts. Swirling like leaves in the wind, Cordelia did not let the change deter what her body was telling her to do.

Even as the black began to encapsulate her chest and restrict her breathing.

'Keep mov-'

The movement in front of her suddenly ceased, making her squint her eyes to see within the darkness.

Something was there.

Cordelia could barely make it out, but it was there.


Very tall, very steep, steps.

Cordelia lifted her head to view the top, but she could not see it.

Not within the darkness.

But instead of ignoring the steps, she lifted a hand and placed it onto the first one which was at her shoulder height.

Surprised at the feeling of warmth flowing through her hand, Cordelia placed her other hand on the step.

She stood there for a few moments, relishing in the warmth and harmonizing with the feeling of righteousness.

Where she was and what she was about to do, felt right in every cell of her being.

Taking a breath, she hoisted herself up onto the first step.

Cordelia planted her feet firmly onto the flat surface and straightened her body.

With confidence coursing through her, she continued to climb the high steps, not stopping even when it began to feel like ages since she first started.

But really, it could have just been mere seconds.

It wasn't until she was near the center step that she could see the top, and when she noticed that the black on her body had receded.

But now something else was trying to cling to her.

Looking behind her, she could see it was covering all the steps she had previously climbed.

Squinting her eyes, she could tell it was something similar to the darkness, yet it held a calm and familiar aura about it.

Deciding not to dwell, she turned her attention back to the stairs and started climbing again.

Time was nothing but a word within this place, but she was anxious to get to the top.

'What is up there? Is it better than being below?'

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