Chapter 7

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Past, 1800s

Cordelia and the mouse knight spent many hours walking through the flowers until they came upon a stoned path.

The beautiful blue stones sparkled even in the constant evening light, making Cordelia question the odd places timespan.

She could see another sea of different flowers on the opposite side of them, ranging from tiger lilies to larkspurs to daisies. Amongst the flowers, were tall weeping willow trees with their branches hanging low to the ground, giving wonderful shade and privacy near the trunk. Even though the view of the other side was beautiful, Cordelia still loved the sight of the red flowers on her side.

Once they stepped onto the stoned path, Droyn turned to her.

"Are you doing alright, My Lady?" He shouted up at her.

Cordelia kneeled down, fully sitting on her knees so the poor mouse did not have to see her unmentionables.

"I am just fine, little mouse."

Holding back a laugh at the mouse knight's anger for her teasing, Cordelia cleared her throat.

"How are you holding up? Do you need me to carry you while you direct me to the castle?" She asked with sincere worry.

The mouse practically blew an artery.

"I am more than fine, My Lady! I have amazing stamina as a knight of Sir Madness! You have nothing to worry about!" Droyn turned away from her and started walking again with a little more of an angry pep in his step.

Cordelia hid a giggle behind her hand, watching the little animal stomped away from her.

"What is so amusing?" Asked the eerie voice.

She dropped her hand and exhaled in annoyance at the voice.

"Oh. You are still here," she remarked while rolling her eyes. "I thought you had left since the silence was so wonderful."

"Such coldness to the one who greeted you first."

"And yet, you still have no intention of showing me your face. Am I correct?"

An irritated sigh came from the voice.

"In due time, Little Red. I promise, it will be worth the wait."

"I am sure, it won't be," she responded coldly, not liking the voice for having an advantage on her.

Standing back up, she brushed off the invisible dirt on her dress before setting off down the path that the mouse was directing her on.

"My Lady! The castle is within eyesight!" Droyn shouted from far ahead, making Cordelia glance up into the distance.

She could barely see it, but it was indeed on the horizon.

However, it was still a long way away. She could barely see the towers from where she stood, making her shoulders slump forward in disappointment.

"If we make haste, My Lady, we will be there in several hours," the mouse knight said, as if reading what Cordelia was thinking.

At least, that part of her thought he was speaking..

The other part was much dirtier.

Being surrounded by so much red is making me uncomfortably horny.

Cordelia felt her core pulse like a heart beat, making her cross her legs and grasp her hands in a sad attempt at allieving and distracting herself.

"Is someone getting uncomfortable?" The voice asked in a knowing tone.

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