Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Past, 1800s

Once she was outside and had closed the door to the greenhouse, Cordelia released a breath that she did not realize she was holding.

"You might want to heed their warning," Doryn tapped her shoulder.

"And why is that?" She asked in a provoking tone, turning her head slightly to view the mouse better.

"They are numerous and are not the only living flora in this land," he gulped, making Cordelia's eyebrows furrow in slight concern.

"What do you mean 'not the only living flora'? Are you talking about the flowers we saw on our way to this castle?"

Before Droyn could answer, she felt something rub against her ankle.

"Huh?" She looked down to see something long and slender move against her foot.

"Eek!" Cordelia flung herself away from the moving thing, not noticing that the mouse had flown off her shoulder in her haste to get away.

She heard a quiet squeak, but could not pay attention to it since she was so focused on the thing that touched her.

"Is that a snake?!"

The thing started to move quicker, almost thrashing around to find what it had felt before.

"What-" Cordelia felt something else cold coil around her thigh, making her heart rate skyrocket and her fight or flight instincts kick in.

Grabbing what looked to be a vine instead of a snake, which had her exhaling in relief, Cordelia tried her best to pry it off.

She pulled and squeezed the plant, using her nails to try to inflict pain and cut the thick vine off her.

But the damned thing was incredibly strong to her surprise.

The other vine found her and quickly coiled around her ankle.

"Oh no," Cordelia whispered just as the vines pulled.

Falling onto her back, Cordelia's breath got knocked out of her.

She gasped as they pulled her away from the greenhouse, Droyn running after her and yelling nonsense that she could not understand.

As she was being dragged, she struggled to breath while trying to grasp onto the ground or anything nearby.

Dirt and grass filled her nails at her desperation to get away, so much so that the tips of her fingers were beginning to ache at the increased pressure and strain.

Feeling another vine wrap around her waist, Cordelia whimpered as she let fear take hold of her.

What do I do? WHAT DO I DO?

Suddenly, she felt her lower body being lifted up by her legs. The skirt of her dress hit her in the face as she was lifted completely off the ground, making her panic rise with her vision taken away.

Grabbing her skirt, she did her best to hold it down so she could see what was causing her fear.

And she almost wished her vision had remained obscured.

In front of her, stood a gigantic plant with a large red mouth. Its mouth opened like flower petals to reveal several sharp teeth scattered throughout it. Saliva dripped down the petals as it released a hot breath on her.

Cordelia let out a soft squeal at the nasty breath, doing her best to not inhale.

With a plant like this, its breath has to be poisonous.

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