Chapter 17

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Past, 1900s

Sitting back, Cordelia choked on a sob.

A devastated sob that had her whole body trembling while she put her hand to her mouth so as not to make too much noise.

Tears brimming her eyes, she could not help the little laugh that broke through.

Of course... She thought bitterly as she went over all the events that had just happened.

Of course, of course, ofcourseofcourseofcourseofcourseofcourse.

She threw her head back and laughed.

A laugh that held all of her sanity quickly dissipating, just like the logic of Wonderlust.

The hand covering her mouth moved down. She pushed her nails into her skin, feeling the scrap of them taking away the top layer of her epidermis.

She let the hand continue down her body, feeling all her cuts and bruises, the pain bringing her sense of grounding that was starting to become difficult to achieve.

Of course he would abandon me like a doll he no longer found entertaining.

Her teeth gnashed together while she smiled widely.

What to do, what to do, what to do.

Emotions pushed aside, Cordelia's thoughts of preparation surfaced.

There was no time for her to properly look for Droyn, though her heart ached a little at the fact that she could not search.

But, he risked his life so she could live.

And that was what she was going to do.

... But what next?

Pausing her rampant thoughts, Cordelia gazed down the corridor while listening for the sounds of people even though this area of the castle was off limits.

None of them can see her like this.

Not in this state.

She could care less that they saw her tiny, Wonderlust was filled with magic and odd things happened all the time.

What she did not want them to see was that the creator of this world was striving for her demise.

Nor that her own mind was starting to crumble.

No, no, no.

Not crumble, I am fine.

Just a little... She sucked in a breath through her teeth.


Stifling a manic giggle, Cordelia thrusted her body against the walls like a ragdoll and slowly began to walk with a limp.

Who else could I turn to-

A light gasp escaped her lips as she realized she still had people on her side.

Incredibly loyal people.

Through watery eyes, Cordelia smiled as she thought of her precious Twins.

They will help me.

They will keep me safe.

With determination, she made her way down the hall towards the dungeon, feeling coldness seep into her skin now that the sun was covered by the clouds and the wind had turned violent.

It seemed to take hours for her to reach the dungeon door with her small extremities and injured feet.

But alas, she made it.

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