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season six, episode fifteen

hurled over the toilet seat, arizona held back her girlfriend's gorgeous brunette curled hair, "i'm gonna hurl again," the orthopaedic surgeon stated when holding a tissue near to her mouth, "ok, please don't, cause i just got the last puke out of...

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hurled over the toilet seat, arizona held back her girlfriend's gorgeous brunette curled hair, "i'm gonna hurl again," the orthopaedic surgeon stated when holding a tissue near to her mouth, "ok, please don't, cause i just got the last puke out of your hair," her girlfriend admitted about getting alison's sick from her brunette hair.

"why-why do i have to do this? i'm not a public speaker, it's not my thing," alison rambled, "i hate derek shepherd," arizona shook her head, "no, you don't,"

alison nods her head, "no, i do, i do hate him," she said about her friend, "look—" arizona looked down at her girlfriend, "all you have to do is talk about being a great surgeon," the girl stated as alison looked back at her, "to a giant room full of people, from a giant stage," she let out a shaky breath, "oh, god, with a mircophone," she then added.


"good morning,"

alison anxiously leaned her head on her girlfriend's shoulder, "i'm excited," the interim chief said into the mircophone, "are you excited?" derek questioned the hospital employees, "this is a teaching hospital, we learn a lot by doing, but we can also learn— we should also learn from other people's experiences," the interim stated to them, "their losses will save you losses, their mistakes will save you mistakes, their victories will inspire yours,"

arizona held her girlfriend's hand in hers, "let's pay close attention, this is gonna be good," the interim chief stated, "dr miranda bailey," derek said when inviting the women to the stage, "good morning, everyone,"


the attending threw a sweet at the korean women who was too concentrated on whatever she was doing on her leg, "ow," cristina said rubbing at where the sweet had hit her on her forehead, "morning, dr yang," bailey said as some attendings and residents chuckled, "what the—"

the small attending looked back at her resident, "if i have to stand here, you have to listen," she stated, "eyes forward, answer a question right, you get a chocolate," she said showing the chocolates in her hand, "doze off, you get beaned in the face, ask dr yang, my aim is exceptional,"

alison let a chuckle escape her lips at that, "two thousand and three, i'm three days into my intern year," she said to the group.

miranda was finished when the interim chief then said her name as alison blew out a nervous breath coming past the surgeons in her row before going towards the stage shaking slightly.

"um—" she went towards the laptop, her hands shaking as she pressed something that showed a picture of her and arizona, "that-" she said when people started to laugh, "that shouldn't be there," she stated as her hands kept shaking when she was typing away on the laptop, "um—"

she finally got onto the slide show she wanted, taking a deep breath when she faced the crowd, "in my third year as a resident, i was—" she said when someone yelled out, "i can't hear you!" making alison look away from her stacked cards to the big group of people.

she then met her girlfriend's eyes who nods her head, encouraging her girlfriend on, "ok," she let out another breath tryna calm down her nerves, "in my third year as resident, i was presented with a patient named sunder—atluri, a twenty-eight year old grad student from india," she says slowly.

richard webber, ex chief of surgery came onto the stage talking about meredith's mother, "two time harper avery award winner and my colleague on this case," he said to the residents and their attendings, "a case that changed my life,"

"look around—" the group of surgeons did as said, "the biggest influence in your life are sitting next to you right now," the man admitted to them.

where the man spoke more about meredith's mother where alison who had went back to her seat, looked at her girlfriend who nods her head, "you did good," arizona said to her girlfriend who smiled, "okay,"

"i have to go again—" she admitted to her girlfriend when richard stopped talking with the head of ortho standing up again and going towards the front where she had accident muddled up her cards, "just talk! tell us what happened," arizona said when seeing her girlfriend's nervous state.

alison nods her head, "ok," the orthopaedic surgeon stood up, "so uh— sunder atluri, he wanted to get his club foot fixed, but i had a different idea," she admitted to the surgeons in the room.

richard webber went again onto the stage as alison thomas ran a hand through her curly ends knowing that when the man started to finish his sentence that she would go back onto the stage.


alison thomas looked at the crowd again when alex leaned forwards saying, "that's when we saw the dude do the thing with his foot," he stated as alison nods her head, "you know—" he said when alison nods her head explaining the situation to the surgeons, "we'd hit a wall, and um—"

"we planned a number of procedures," alex added as alison nods her head, "but then—" alison stuttered, "then i gave you that arousing pep talk," the surgeons all chuckled at alex's comment, "you know what? he totally did,"

the orthopaedic surgeon looked around, "so we researched and practiced and practiced and—eventually, we were ready," she told them keeping her eyes on arizona who smiled at her, "we did a series of shorter surgeries, so his lungs and heart could withstand the anesthesia, it was gruelling for the patient but worth it in the end,"

"show them the x-rays,"

alison smiled, "they're so cool.." she went towards her laptop again, "these are the before," she showed a picture of sunder before surgery, "and after.." she then showed the x-ray of the aftermath where they all clapped their hands, "it was—it was amazing, i mean, after the final surgery we were just—we celebrated that night," she said to them, "i mean, did we ever celebrate," she then was speaking about her and alex going to joe's and drinking all night for their victory.

but however, some surgeons thought she meant it in the sexual way, "by celebrating, i mean we drank at joe's all night," she stated to the surgeons when seeing her girlfriend look back at the karev male who moved back into his chair.

richard went back up the stage, "it changes you, this work, your patients, your colleagues," he says as alison looked at her girlfriend with a smile, "you change each other, you don't ever think you'll lose your way..but what happens in this hospital...just remember why you came here," the ex chief said, "you said it the day you graduated from med school, you took the physician's oath, remember it, tape it to your locker, to your bathroom mirror, cause it is too easy to lose your way,"

the chief said as the surgeons in the room all see richard raise his right hand, "i solemnly pledge to consecrate my life to the service of humanity, i will give to my teachers...the respect and gratitude that is their due, i will practice my profession..with conscience and dignity," alison smiled, "the health of my patients will be my number-one consideration, i will respect the secrets that are confided in me...even after my patient has died,"

alison smiled once again, "i will maintain by all the means in my power—the honor and the noble traditions of the medical profession," she remembered watching sunder walk, "my colleagues will be my sisters and brothers, i will not permit considerations of age, disease or disability, creed—ethnic origin, gender—race, political affiliation—nationality, sexual orientation—social standing or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient," richard said the pledge, "i will maintain the upmost respect for human life, i will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties—even under threat," the man pledged, "i make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honor,"

the surgeons in the room all clapped their hands for their ex chief of surgery who put his raised hand down.

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