Juno's pov
I huffed and got in the door. "Aiya, Mija, where were you?" "Sorry, mama. I was out with a friend?" "Friend eh?" I looked up at her. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Aiya, mija. A boy eh?" "No, mama, it's not like that." "Juno, he either likes you, or you like him, or even better, both. There is no, just friends." My dad walked in and looked at me. "?que pasa?" He asked. "I uh- nevermind." I muttered shuffling to my room. "So, this boy." "Jasper." "Do you like him?" "No! I don't!" I said, genuinely, why is everyone asking me that? He's just a boy I'm friends with! "What did you guys do?" "I took him to get dinner and we studied together, we also got coffee together." Dad sighed and sat on the bed. "Juno.... there is not inbetween." I grumbled. "Why does everyone keep telling me that? He's only a friend!" My dad sighed and I put my hands in my head. "I used to think, I had only compassion on him because, he was going through a rough time, His mom had just- anyways, I started to take care of him, make sure he's okay. But as time went on, I saw the real him, the person behind a mask, behind the facade and..... I started to actually.... think about a small tint of possibility of having a tint of romance with him." I said. My dad rubbed his hands together. "Love can be built on trauma, mija. There is a lot of ways, perhaps, your compassion just turned to something more."
I sat there and thought, is this something I want? If it's something he feels, is it really something I feel? Because I don't want to say it and if he's genuine, and I'm not, down the line, I break his heart.....