"Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work" - Kevin Durant
I sat there in the gym, shooting shots, putting up shot after shot after shot. And by my side was my girlfriend, putting up shots with me.
KD was right.....
So here we were, not only spending quality time together, doing the main thing we love, but also putting in that work. Even with school ending, that doesn't mean I slow down, that doesn't mean Juno slows down, she hasn't slowed down. She did a cross before throwing me a lob, which I caught and dunked, we worked on game to game moves, such as crosses, elbow mid ranges, set up shots, off ball work.
We were in the lab working for hours, this is the dream, not just playing basketball and working hard, but having a girlfriend who works alongside me, like man, man.....
And she's just the same, she didn't know how to play basketball, but she put it in the work and she's better than those considered "talented."
Hard work beats talent, when talent fails to work.