"We need to talk." I closed the locker. "We really don't." "Why Jasper?" I turned to him. "Are you intimidated by my boyfriend?" "I'm just wondering, why choose him as your boyfriend?" "Because I care for him very much and he does the same." I said trying to walk away. "Right, but I remember it was me next to you, me that wanted you, me that wanted your time, and you looked at the little guy that was sitting across the classroom." He said. "Dominick... you will never surmount to who he is. He's amazing, loving and caring, that's why I got attracted to him, unlike you.... who just wants me to show me off." I said. He grumbled and walked off. I sighed and locked my locker before walking off to find Jasper. I found him, alone, on his phone.
I smiled and ran over to him, and jumped behind him. "Hi." I said softly. He smiled and looked at me. "Dom came up to me today." He said. I nodded and frowned. "Yeah, same. He said some lies." "What'd he say to you?" "That I could have an amazing man like him, ugh, as if he could even be half the person you are." He laughed and put his hand on my thigh. "Thank you.... really.... Juno." "Hey.... I love you." He laughed and brushed my cheek. "I love you too." "I love you, with you and your stupid Terra Tech." I teased. He laughed and kissed my forehead. "Hey- don't hate on Terra Tech." I giggled and kissed his cheek. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I nuzzled into his neck. "At school is crazy, Jay." I turned and saw a guy standing over us. "Oh my fault, gang." He said dapping up the boy. "Who's this?" I asked. "Juno, meet Braxton. Braxton, meet Juno, my girlfriend." I smiled and waved. "Nice to meet you. Ay see you Saturday night?" "You already know." "Bet, I'll see ya." The two dapped up and Braxton left. "Saturday night?" "We play basketball at Old rec with strangers, most Saturday nights." He said. "But today..." He sighed. "See I knew behind that serious studious girl I first met, there's the clingy type." "I'm not clingy." I said softly. "Then why are you pouting?" I blushed and looked up at him. "Yes, I will."