Finals week is pretty stressful, especially if you are taking 6 APs, I can handle it but it doesn't discredit how stressful it is.
Studying hours after hours, at the library with my friends for hours.
Finally it was the end of finals, and it felt like a movie, my friends and I had walked out.
"We did it." I laughed and looked at Sam. "Damn, we had a stressful ass week, but gang on me, we did it." "Now we got senior year after." "Mane, why you gotta break the spirits?" I asked. "I'm a realist, motherfucker." I laughed and we walked to my house. We were playing 2k and just chilling, we were finally free..... free for 2 months, away from school...
We were all together..... and man we loved it ......
It was also upsetting because I couldn't see Junie..... which sucked but it was also good that I could text and call her every night, sorry, face time.....
But we will see what is in store for my summer....