Tell me...what do you see in school? Do you see a Juno that can rule the world, the queen of our school, strong, independant, as if she needs no one, able to stand on her own two feet? A woman with life, goals and ambition?
Well..that is very true, and she always has and always will be that way, ambitious.
But behind that mask, behind that ambition, behind school, there is a girl, who just wants to be love....pleading with her boyfriend, constantly pouting for his love, not a girl who is strong and ambition, but someone smothered by love.....
People are different people behind school.... but it doesn't mean they can't be two sided...
Juno can and does act accordingly, with a boss girl attitude. She's always allowed to act like a pouting girl around her boyfriend, constantly wanting his love....
Do not be deceived by the term being different.