Even though, we are a couple, which means two in one. We are also one of our own, we are individual, and our lives are not fully consumed with each other.
Today, I was going to school, then I had lunch with my mom at a restaurant.
"So, how is your senior year going?" I took a sip of my fanta and smiled. "It's okay." "Yeah? Is anything wrong?" I shook my head. "Are you sure?" Ugh, I love mom but when she interrogates me like I'm just a 15 year old, I feel so small. "I'm fine, mom. I promise." "And you, miss?" Alicia snorted and looked at me. "I'm fine." "Just guide your twin little brother." "MOM!" "Mom, I'm 17, I don't need... guidance.... I'm in my senior year, I'm almost college." "And I want your sister to ensure you both get into college, right?" She said turning to my sister. "Sure." Alicia muttered. I took a bite of my chicken then looked out the window. "What happened to Ben??" I asked. Mom sighed. "It didn't work out. We just decided dating together wasn't gonna work." She said. After dad's death, mom had a tough time getting back out there, only this past year, she tried with a guy name Ben but it didn't work, evidently. "Damn." I whispered. "I'm sorry mom." Alicia said rubbing mom's back. "No, no, it's okay." She obviously was done but didn't want to say anything.
"We should help mom." I nodded. "Yeah, let's buy her flowers and take her to her favorite dessert place." She said. "Okay, bet, tomorrow."
Mom has had a tough time getting back out there since dad died and now that she and her, now ex-boyfriend have broken up, it's even harder for her.