Fast Forward

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A/N: This story has been fast forwarded for the sake of expansion into the 2nd arc, the college arc. We fast forward 10 months, college starts in 2 months, the group are all at the same college except Jasper who has gone off from their college but nevertheless, away. He lives with his friends and joined the football team alongside his buddies. 



When I woke up, this blinding light hit me extremely hard. It was like fire in my face. "Wake up! YO! JAY!" I groaned and rolled out of bed, before Job opened the door. "Yeah." "Alright gang, give me a minute. Shit." I said getting up finally. This is my life as a college freshman, I started this because I know how important it is for me to continue doing sports, and taking football actually seemed like a better approach then basketball. 

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