Jasper's pov
"Let's play." She said out of the blue. "Uh- yeah." "Come on, babe." I huffed and did a kickup, before helping her up. "Are we unexpected?" She asked. "The girl everyone adores with the boy everyone knows for having the most fights. Yes." She giggled and I kissed her head. "But I care and you are mine." She said. "Okay, Ms. Possessive." "Mhm. All mine." She said kissing my face.
She might be my baby, but in ball, it's fair game. So I decided to back her down into the paint and did a dirk fade.
She started hitting with me with crazy shots though, and man......
As the day went on, we kept on going and she grabbed me, trying to pull me down so I couldn't make my layup. She's the best, always so happy, always so friendly, always so warming, amazing at basketball.....
She hit 6 shots in my face and I was like damn, I got the most beautiful girl to hit shots.