Séance Weather

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Tully struggled to open the door to his office with the heavy briefcase filled with doubloons. He was hobbling and bent over trying to carry the heavy weight as he unlocked the door.

He finally got aggravated and started to call for his secretary. "Miss Bradbury! Miss Bradbury!" He yelled as he walked into the office. It looked like his secretary left in a hurry as her desk was cluttered with mess as she left it.

"She's gone home. Mr. Alford." A voice came from the other room, making him jump as he walked into his office.

Tully was still struggling with the briefcase as he walked in and then used his whole body to lift it up onto the desk.

On the couch, was an older woman with greying red hair that was tied back and a floral dress. Tully tried to smile at her with a grimace. "Mrs. Craven! I was just about to call you." He chuckled nervously with heavy breathing.

She gave him an evil sneer. "I'm certain you were." She stated coldly. "You haven't met my son, Gordon, have you Mr. Alford?" she asked sarcastically.

A appeared from behind the door and Tully and slammed the door closed. Tully jumped and looked terrified at the man. Gordon was tall and had brood shoulders, pale with dark hair that was in an afro.

Tully shakenly saved. "Hey"

Gordon stared at Tully, his eyes almost cutting him. "Is this the one, Mother? That deadbeat you mentioned?" He asked before grabbing Tully by the labels of his jacket.

Tully grew panicked. "No, wait, wait, wait!" Tully started to beg as he looked between Craven and Gordon. "Hold on!"

Gordon grinned maniacally as he slammed Tully against the wall and grabbed him by the neck.

"You have to listen to me!" Tully tried to beg again as he kept looking between the son and mother in desperation and fear.

"Do we, Mr. Alford? Why?" Craven asked as she watched Gordon intimidate Tully with glee.

Gordon with little effort turned Tully so he was pinned upside down on the wall by his neck.

"Please! Hear me out!" Tully begged again.

Gordon smiled wide. "Your call Mother!"

Mrs. Craven smiled smugly. "Gordon and I share a very special relationship."

Gordon's, if possible, smile got wider. "She's a pimp!"

She smiled sarcastically. "Refreshing, no? Down Gordon." She told him.

Gordon frowned and looked back at her in disappointment at ending his fun. "Mother?"

She glared at him. "Gordon!" She scolded.

Gordon growled and let Tully fall to the floor.

Craven watched Tully with contempt. "We've lent you a considerable sum, many thousands of dollars. Payment due, Mr. Alford."

Tully sniveled. "I don't have the money to repay you. I've tried everything." He tried to explain.

Mrs. Craven gave a mocking smile. "Oh, I want to believe you."

Gordon was smiling maniacally at Tully. "So do I."

Craven smiles at Gordon fondly. "Make me proud."

Tully starts to become even more frantic. "No, no, no, no"

Gordon grinned in excitement and slammed Tully down on top of the desk, knocking the briefcase filled with doubloons off the table. The briefcase exploded open the coins fell out.

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