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Meanwhile, Margaret and It had snuck away and were outside on one of the balconies. Margaret was staring wistfully out into the night while It was standing there next to her, admiring her.

"We've been married for almost 20 years... Sometimes it seems like more." She sighed as she spoke before It spoke to her in gibberish.

Margaret smiled softly and shrugged. "Well, people grow. People change."

It said something back to her, making her giggle.

"It is a beautiful night, isn't it?"

It leaned against her, and she rested her head on top of his head.


A lot of the guests were leaving and so Fester, Morticia and Gomez were sending them off at the door.

Fester was hugging the Amor Twins and had his head in between theirs and was smiling widely as they both covered his head and face in kisses.

One of the Twins whispered into his ear. "You'll come see me before you leave, won't you Fester?"

The other Twin whispered into his other ear. "I'll call once I'm alone."

Gomez and Morticia were standing behind Fester and smiling at the three before Gomez called out. "There's your ride, girls!"

The Amor Twins left Fester who was gazing at them with a giant grin on his face. The twins walked backwards to a truck that said 'Insane Asylum' on the sides and back, never taking their eyes off Fester. They started to wave as the Asylum workers started to put a straight jacket on them, Fester waved back at them shyly.


A little bit away from Fester and the others, It had gotten into his car with Margaret kneeling next to the car. She smiled at him bashfully, "You're such a marvelous dancer. It's been such fun."

It asked her something and she contemplated it for a moment, "I mustn't. I have two children to think about."

It responded back to her before taking off, not giving her a chance to answer back. She stood up and called out to the car. "Call me!"

It honked the horn as he left and Margaret sighed wistfully after him, cupping her hands to her chest.


Fester was making his way upstairs, dancing and laughing in glee to himself. "Mamushka! Mamushka!" He sang as he started to dance, coming up to his door. "I swallowed with one whooshka! And a hey! And a hey! And a hey!"

He kicked the door to his bedroom open and saw his mother sitting on the bed. He smiled widely at her, and she frowned at him. He danced over and stood her up to dance with her. She tried to pull away from him, not liking this new him.

"Gordon? Gordon, stop that! Stop it this instant!" she demanded, finally pulling away from him. She stopped and looked at him in bewilderment. "Is that lipstick all over your face?" She sneered.

Gordon smiled widely and nodded. "From the twins!" He pulled away from his mother and wrapped his arms around himself. "The beauteous Amor twins!" He sighed lovesick.

Craven watched him with a frowned expression. "The twins? Gordon, I don't understand. Have you been having a good time?" she looked at him incredulously.

Gordon grinned. "Yes! It was marvelous! I sang up a storm and danced till I dropped! The Mamushka!" He started dancing again while Craven moved to the bed and sat down. She put her hands in her lap as she looked towards the wall in fake sadness.

Gordon did a turn but stopped noticing his mother sitting on the bed. "Mother?" he frowned.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Mother? Mother? Who's that? I don't think I recall." She responded almost sarcastically, trying to guilt trip Gordon.

Gordon walked over to her and then knelt down in front of her. "Mother, please." He begged her. She turned her head away from him.

"I'm just fine. I'm dandy. Don't concern yourself with me, Gordon. Please return to your depraved orgy. Sometimes I think you're not even my son." She guilted him some more.

Gordon looked frantic at her. "Don't say that!"

She looked at him with a deadpan look. "I'm just your mother. You only owe me your entire existence on this planet. So, please Gordon. By all means, go! Sing, dance.... Date!" She snapped at him with a sharp glare.

Gordon started to plea harder. "Oh, mother. I'm so sorry. It was just a party. It's over." He buried his head in her lap. "It means nothing. The Siamese twins, the hunchback, Cousin It. They're not you."

She smirked and looked at him before pulling his head up to cup his face to look into his eyes seriously. "Say it Gordon, make me believe it."

"I love you... and I want the money." He told her.

She shoves him hard, so he falls onto the ground with a loud thump. She stands up and walks over to the door. "We need to go find Tulley."


Downstairs, all of the guests had gone home. Gomez and Morticia walked arm in arm over to a tray cart with a tray and lid on top of it. Gomez lifted the lid and smiled fondly at Pugsley napping on it surrounded by vegetables like a little turkey.

Morticia smiled preciously at her youngest son. "Look at our little boy." She cooed out.

Gomez smiled. "All tuckered out." He sighed.

Morticia looks at her husband and smiles. "It's so sweet. He looks like a little entrée."

Pugsley slowly woke up and blinked up at his parents. "Where's the party?" He asked groggily.

Morticia leaned down and softly ran her hand over his head and smiled at him. "It's over darling. Have you seen Wednesday and Persephone?"

Pugsley frowned. "Not since before the Mamushka."

Morticia looked over at Gomez and they both frowned in worry. "Gomez?" She asked him.


The whole family moved outside, dressed more warmly. Lurch opened up a map of the property. Gomez was smoking a cigar while Morticia stood next to her mother in worry. Gomez looked at the map and started to give directions.

"We'll fan out. Pugsley, head for the dung heap. Mama and Morticia, the shallow graves. I'll take the abyss. Lurch, you check the bottomless pit. And Fester..." He paused and looked around at the family, not seeing his brother. All of the family looked around before they heard a yell from the top floor of the house.

"Up here!" Fester yelled from his room.

Gomez yelled up to him. "Fester! You take the ravine and the unmarked abandoned well!"

Fester paused before yelling back. "Someone should stay behind, in case they come back!"

Gomez paused and nodded. "Good man." he said to himself. "Good thinking!" He yelled up to his brother.

Grandmama spoke up as she held out a dousing rod. "Then who'll take the swamp?"

Thing crawled over to stand next to Gomez and tapped on his shoe.

Gomez smiled down at Thing. "That's the spirit Thing. Lend a hand." Gomez looked at his family and nodded. "Let's go." 

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