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The whole family spread out over the property, yelling out Wednesday and Persephone's names. Searching all over the property for the two.

Fester/Gordon stood at his window, watching the family searching for the couple, until his mother got his attention. "Gordon! Don't dawdle." She scolded him making Gordon jump and followed her out of the room.

They made their way downstairs and came across Tulley lounging in an armchair in the library. He had a book in his hand that was open, and sunlight was streaming from the book. You could hear the sounds of the beach and seagulls coming from the book. He sat back with his eyes closed.

Craven looked at him like he was insane. "What are you doing? We need to find the vault." she almost growled at him in anger.

He opened his eyes and looked at her like he didn't have a worry in the world. "I'm relaxing, taking a little sun." he said as he closed his eyes again.

"Are you insane?" Craven stared at him incredulously.

Tulley opened his eyes again and smirked at her. "Au contraire."


In the parking lot next to the house, Lurch lifted a car up like it was a feather and looked underneath it. He sighed and groaned, not finding anything.


Pugsley was wandering through an area, calling out for his brother and Persephone.


Grandmama and Morticia came across a cave and looked into it. "Persephone! Wednesday!" They both sighed, not seeing anything.


Thing made it the swamp and paused before starting to hop from lily pad to lily pad, searching for the missing couple.


Gomez was walking through the graveyard and looking around at all the statues and mausoleums. He started to look through all of the mausoleums in search of his son and Persephone. The third crypt he searched in he found the couple.

Wednesday and Persephone were currently curled up on top of the large stone coffin in the middle of the crypt, both sleeping. Wednesday was behind Persephone and was holding her around her waist protectively.

Gomez walked over quietly and went to his son's side and put a hand on his shoulder, knowing his son was a light sleeper. "Wednesday?"

Wednesday's eyes snapped open, and he looked over his shoulder to see his father.

Gomez spoke softly to Wednesday. "We've been searching for you two everywhere. Come on, Chiquito. Let's go home."

Wednesday, still waking up, yawned and nodded. He slowly pulled his arm away from Persephone so as not to wake her and stood up. He stopped his father, who was reaching over to wake Persephone and shook his head. "I got her, papa."

Wednesday moved over to Persephone and very carefully picked her up in a bridal carry to head out of the mausoleum.

Wednesday followed his father towards the front of the property, finding the rest of the family waiting there. Morticia saw them and smiled gently at Wednesday and Persephone. She walked over to his side and kissed the side of his head and then kissed the top of Persephone's.

The family walked towards the front of the house to go through Gate, but frowned at the site of Gate screaming and shaking as police tape and warning tape was wrapped around Gate and the fencing.

Gomez stepped up as he saw Tulley and Craven standing on the other side of Gate. He frowned and looked between the two. "What is the meaning of this?"

Tulley smirked, "This is a restraining order." He held up some papers to show the Addams clan.

The whole family looked at him in bewilderment before Gomez spoke up again. "A restraining order?"

Wednesday was standing at the back of the group with Persephone in his arms, he was glaring at Tulley with a piercing gaze while Persephone was waking up to the sound of her father speaking loudly to Gomez. As she slowly opened her eyes, a small smile broke onto her face as she stared up at Wednesday who was easily holding her up. She sighed softly, catching his attention. He looked down at her and his face subtly softened.

"What's going on?" she asked as she reached up with a hand to cup his face.

He leaned into her hand and closed his eyes before he sighed and looked back at her. "Your father has a restraining order."

She looked at him shocked before she gestured for him to put her down. Wednesday gracefully put her down and wrapped an arm around her back and gripped her opposite hip as they watched their fathers.

"I am restrained from my own house?" Gomez asked him in disbelief. He shook his head as Morticia stepped to his side.

Tulley almost sneered. "Not your house mustache. Not anymore. It belongs to the oldest living descendant.... the elder brother... Fester Addams." He told him triumphantly.

Morticia shook her head. "Fester adores Gomez."

Tulley shook his head back at her. "Oh, no... He's afraid of him." He looked back at Gomez. "Seeing the twins brought it all back. You're bitter rivals."

Gomez's expression turned stern. "I demand to speak with Fester."

Tulley shook his head and smiled sarcastically. "Sorry, no can do. He's very hurt. Just leave." He glanced over the family before landing on his daughter. "Percy come on. You'll stay here while they leave."

She sneered and stepped forward with a harsh glare at her father. Tulley frowned and flinched back, having seen that look before once when she was child when he tried to discipline her after she caught the family cat on fire. She scared him then... and she scares him now.

"I don't think so. I'll be staying with them and help them. I hope you know karma's a bitch, dad..." She sneered at him.

He flinched back before stumbling and tripping as he tried to walk back to the house.

The family smirked at the girl, while Wednesday walked over to stand behind her and wrap his arms around her waist.

Gomez looked around at his family and nodded determinedly. "Have no fear. Justice shall prevail. The courts will decide. They say a man who represents himself has a fool for a client. Well, with God as my witness, I am that fool!" Gomez announced as he held up his pointer finger.  

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