A Halloween Ending

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Seven Months Later


Several children ran up to the creepy house and one knocked on the door.

"Trick or-!" The group chorused as Lurch opened the door.

The kids looked up at Lurch, terrified. They all screamed and turned to run away from the house.

Lurch smiled.


Gomez and Morticia were decorating the house more as Fester and Pugsley came down the stairs.

"Here we come!" Pugsley announced as he and Fester stopped on the landing to show off his costume.

Gomez and Morticia looked up and smiled widely at the two. "Pugsley, old man."

"Why, look at you!" Morticia cooed at her son with her hands clasped to her chest.

Pugsley was dressed as Fester with a long cloak and even shaved his head. Fester flattered, smiled widely.

They walked down the stairs to meet the couple. Pugsley looked up at his uncle. "How do you like it?"

Fester smiled proudly. "What can I say? He's gonna break hearts."

Margaret entered the house with Junior and It. "Trick or treat!" She sung out. Margaret was dressed as a fairy, dressed all in pink. Cousin It was dressed as a cowboy while Junior was dressed as a zombie.

Morticia walked over to greet them. "Hello, Margaret. Cousin It, I almost didn't recognize you." Morticia told him before looking at Junior. "And don't you look handsome."

Margaret smiled widely. "Aren't they just? Everyone keeps asking where It got his costume."

Gomez walked up and took the cigar from his mouth. "It is a wonderful hat."

Just then Wednesday and Persephone came down the stairs arm in arm and the family looked over at them.

Morticia and Gomez gasped and smiled widely at the couple coming down the stairs.

Wednesday was dressed as his father, in a deep red pinstriped suit and oxfords. His hair was slicked back like Gomez's with his gold watch and gold pinky ring in place. Wednesday had even let a little mustache grow to match Gomez.

Persephone was dressed in a long sleek skintight black dress that had long sleeves with plunged neckline. She had her nails done in a coffin shape and painted blood red to match her hair, which was pin straight like Morticia's. The dress hugged her body, showing off her waist and wide hips. She had even done her make-up to match Morticia.

Morticia reached over and put her hand on Gomez's shoulder and her other hand came up to rest on her heart. Gomez was gazing at the two in amazement. Admiring them both fondly.

"Oh, my little loves! Don't you both look so gorgeous!" Morticia told Wednesday and Persephone as she walked up to them with Gomez as they stepped down to the bottom floor.

"Wednesday, my boy! You look dashing in that suit!" Gomez told his son before looking at Persephone. "And you look beautiful, my darling." Gomez clapped his son on the shoulder as Morticia and Margaret walked up to Persephone.

Morticia cupped her face as Margaret fussed at her dress, both smiling fondly at her, causing her to blush gorgeously.

The couple grew flustered at the attention before Morticia and Gomez turned to head into the living room with the rest of the family.

Junior walked up to his sister and looked up at her. He smirked as she raised an eyebrow at him. "You don't look completely hideous." He told her jokingly.

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