The Battle

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Morticia stared down at her husband lovely, softly running her hand over his head as he slept. She glanced up and around the room at the rest of her family before her eyes narrowed with determination. Standing up, she grabbed her shawl and wrapped it around herself.

Leaving the motel, she confidently headed to the House.

Never noticing Thing was following.


Morticia knocked on the door to her house and Tully opened it.

She looked at him emotionlessly. "I would like to speak with Fester please." She stated before confidently walking into the house, shouldering past Tully, who just stared at her as she entered.


Within the next moments, Morticia was strapped to a torture table that stretched her when cranking the wheel.

Morticia looked at Craven. "You're a desperate woman, consumed by greed and bitterness." She said before continuing. "We could've been such friends." She sighed.

Craven sneered. "Gordon, let's get started."

Gordon turned to her with hesitation. "But Mother-"

She snapped at him. "Stop stalling!"

Gordon snapped back. "I'm not stalling, stop badgering me."

Craven turned to Morticia. "The vault, Mrs. Addams, any thoughts?"

Morticia turned to where she was staring at the ceiling, "None whatsoever."

Craven sneered when Gordon didn't turn the wheel. "Tully, take over. Tighten it."

Tully started to complain, not wanting to torture Morticia. "I got this stomach thing when I torture people."

Craven sneered at him. "Do it."

Tully rushed over and spun the wheel to stretch Morticia. And she moaned softly.

Craven watched with her nose turned up. "Again."

Tully tightened it, causing him and Gordon to flinch at the sound of Morticia being stretched out.

Craven yelled out again. "Tighter!"

Tully turned the wheel some more, making Morticia moan again. She turned her head and smiled at him. "You've done this before."

Tully stared at her disturbed.


None of the people in the house saw Thing hopping onto the windowsill and observing the group.

None of them saw when he jumped down and hurried to leave to go back to the motel to get Gomez.

Almost getting hit multiple times by vehicles when he crossed roads, almost getting stepped on by multiple people.


Thing rushed into the motel, waking Gomez and Wednesday in the process.

He jumped onto the table and started to sign at the two.

"Mor-Morticia... Morticia what? Slow down! It's terrible when you stutter!" Gomez told him with Wednesday standing at his shoulder.

Thing gave up with signing and grasped for a pen and tried to write it down, but the pen didn't work, he threw it away and clumsily grasped at a bowl and spoon that had cereal and milk in it. He accidentally dumped the bowl over making a mess.

Gomez sighed in exasperation with Wednesday running his hand over his face.

They looked up when Things started to tap out a message in Morse Code.

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