Is it Really Fester?

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Mostly everyone rushed over to the front door to see if it really was Fester. Wednesday, Pugsley and Persephone walked behind everyone. Wednesday had his hands in his pockets, his eyes narrowing as he watched everyone while Pugsley looked confused. Persephone had her hands in front of her waist this time but watched on with a look with only one eyebrow raised, knowing this was suspicious. Wednesday and Persephone glanced at each other, seemingly knowing what the other was thinking.

"Could it be?"

"Is it him?"

"Is it possible?"

"Oh my god."

Fester was wide eyed as we took a step into the house.

Gomez stepped forward, whispering, "Fester?"

Fester choked out. "Gomez."

Gomez walked up to Fester and reached out with his arms to grasp him on his shoulders before embracing him passionately, kissing his cheek. Fester stared forward and didn't return the embrace.

From behind Fester, Mrs. Craven walked forward into the light. "Good evening." She spoke in very heavy but fake German accent. "I am Dr. Pinder-Schloss."


The whole group had moved into one of the dens. Fester was standing in front of the fireplace with smoke wafting from his clothes, he stood rigid and stared straight forward, almost looking terrified and confused. Gomez and Morticia were sitting on a love seat, sitting really close together with their hands clasped between them.

Margaret and Tully were on another couch. Tully was wide eyed, looking between Gomez, Pinder-Schloss and Fester. Margaret was looking at Fester and Pinder-Schloss in bewilderment, not believing what was happening.

Grandmama was eating in a chair next to the love seat that Gomez and Morticia were sitting in. Watching everything unfold.

A little bit away from everyone, Persephone sat in a chair in the shadows with her legs crossed and her hands in her lap. Her face was neutral as she just looked at everyone, observing everything going on. She was very reluctant to believe what was happening. Standing just to her right with his hands behind his back, also observing everyone with a deadpan look on his face, was Wednesday.

Pugsley was sitting on the floor in front of Fester's chest, toying with the lock.

"He was found in Miami, tangled in a tuna net. It was just last month during the Hurricane Helga. The sky, it was black like pitch, the waves, they were walls of doom. Can you imagine? They drag him from the ocean, from the very jaws of oblivion. I'm telling you. There were tests, so many tests. A complete psychological profile. At long last, the Florida Department of the Fish and Game, they say, lo and behold. Oh my, oh my, oh my, go an tell it on the mountains! He is your brother!" Dr. Pinder-Schloss explains with wild expressions and hand movements. "Boom! They give him to me at Human Services, and I am bringing him, after all these years, after who knows what heartache! After the naked and the dead, I am bringing him home to you!"

Margaret finally breaks. "That's preposterous! Isn't that the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard?" Margaret looks incredulously at Morticia and Gomez.

Gomez grinned widely. "It certainly is." He turns to Fester. "And now your back." He stood up and wrapped his arm around Fester's shoulders.

Tully chimed in. "Yes, back. Back to share your joys, your sorrows, everything." He pushed slightly.

Persephone looked at her father with narrowed eyes, becoming more suspicious.

Margaret was on the same page as her daughter, shaking her head and looking at Tully. "I don't know about this."

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