To the Vault

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The next morning, Fester was fast asleep on his back as Thing rested on his stomach. Gomez had snuck into his room and was standing there watching them rest for a moment. Gomez eventually reached out and went to pick Thing up, and as he was lifting the dismembered hand, Fester reached out gripped Gomez's wrist and tackled him to the ground with a knife at his throat.

Gomez was grinning widely at Fester, confusing him. "Breakfast?" Gomez asked before flipping Fester over his head. "Damn, it's good to have you back. Let's go." Gomez then stood up jovially and went to the doorway. He turned at the doorway and looked back at Fester on the ground with a smirk. "Best two out of three?" He asked before expertly throwing the knife and it landed in the floor next to Fester's head, shocking him.


Persephone woke up to the sound of knocking on her bedroom door, making her get out bed groggily. She got up from the bed, shaking out her long hair and went to open the door, not caring that she was in her sleep clothes still.

She leaned against the door and slowly blinked at the sight of Wednesday standing there. Wednesday was already dressed for the day, wearing a silk button up black shirt without a suit jacket this time that was tucked into his black pinstriped slacks and black oxfords.

Wednesday breathed in a sharp breath at the sight of Persephone standing there. His eyes drank in her attire and body as she was wearing some black sleep shorts and a baggy long-sleeved off-the-shoulder grey shirt over a black tank top. She had thick thighs and wide calves that were bare to his eyes. He enjoyed the fact that she didn't wear any make-up and her long blood red hair.

"Wednesday?" He blinked at the sound of her raspy voice, and she looked at him expectantly.

"Good morning, Persephone. I came to escort you to breakfast." His monotone voice masked the internal dilemma he was having.

Persephone smirked softly. "Good morning, Wednesday. Alright, give me a moment to get dressed." She turned and closed the door to get dressed.

She turned and pulled out some black jeans and her black boots on top of them while pulling on a flowy black silk shirt and tucked into the front of her pants. She also left a few buttons undone and showed a few necklaces that fell on her upper chest. One being a pent-a-gram, and another had a small jar of ashes. She put on a few rings and a watch as she opened the door again to walk out, leaving her hair down.

"Alright, I'm ready." She told Wednesday before finally looking up at him, noticing he was a few inches taller than her. Wednesday softly sighed through his nose and clenched his jaw. This woman...

He kept his neutral mask on as he held out his arm to escort her down to breakfast. She grinned and threaded her arm through his and walked with him down the stairs.


The duo walked into the kitchen and noticed the rest of the family was already gathered around the table. Wednesday walked Persephone over to the two free chairs and pulled out one of the chairs for her. They both missed the looks that was shared between Gomez and Morticia as Persephone sat down and Wednesday pushed the chair in gently for her. Wednesday then proceeded to take the chair between her and Fester.

"Home cooking! There's nothing like it in the world." Grandmama cheered as she rushed over the food she made, putting some on everyone's plate.

Wednesday turned to Fester, "May I have the salt?"

Fester started to pick up the saltshaker, but Morticia's words stopped him.

"What do we say?" She asked Wednesday.

Wednesday raised an eyebrow and glared at Fester. "Now!" He demanded.

Fester rushed to put the saltshaker in front of Wednesday before looking at his plate as Grandmama filled it. He looked at it confused and slightly disgusted. "What is this?"

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