The Truth Will Out

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The Ball room was now filled to the brim with Addams'. The room was decorated, and lively music played for the many couples that danced across the floor.

Upstairs, Wednesday strode up to Persephone's door and knocked on the door. He fixed his cufflinks on the pinstripe suit he wore that was very much like the one his father wore. His hair was perfectly slicked back, and we wore his gold wristwatch along with his gold pinky ring.

Just as he reached up to check his tie, the door opened to reveal Persephone in a gorgeous off the shoulder black ball gown with floral and lace sheer skirt over the top. It stuck out against her skin and her long hair was pinned up and curled with stray strands lightly carassing her neck and cheeks. Her make up was done lightly with smokey eyes and blood red lips that made Wednesday lick his own lips.

Wednesday froze and stared at her in amazement. He was stuck dumb and speechless as she smiled at him. She looked him up and down and admired him just the same as he did her.

He continued to stare at her in awe as she stepped forward to straighten his tie for him and then lightly grazed her hands on his shoulders and chest, wiping away any lint and dust.

"Mi Reina... You... I..." He lightly growled to himself as he gazed at her, aggravated that he was speechless.

Persephone smirked at him before she grabbed his hand and started to pull him to the ballroom.

He let himself be dragged as he continued to stare at her.


They got downstairs and Wednesday finally somewhat snapped out of his stupor and wrapped his arm around her waist, making her lean into his side. They stood against one of the walls and watched the crowd for a while.

Just then a... person, walked in that made Persephone watch with wide eyes at the man? That walked into the ballroom. This person had long hair from the top of their head that fell covering their entire body and dragging the ground.

"Uh... Wednesday, my love..." She didn't take her eyes off the person while she spoke. He was looking around the room in indifference and hummed in answer to her. "Who is that?" she asked curiously.

He looked at her and then followed her line of vision and saw Cousin It. "Oh... that's Cousin It." he stated simply.

She looked at him curiously, but her lips pulled gently into a smile. "Cousin...It?"

He looked down at her and nodded. He pulled away slightly and grabbed her hand. "Come, I'll introduce you." He pulled her towards It and just before they made it to them, Gomez and Morticia walked up to him.

"It, old man!" Gomez greeted him.

It spoke back to them, and the three Addams' seemed to understand It. Persephone watched and listened in bemused silence.

Morticia answered back. "You're right. Far too long."

Gomez saw Wednesday and Persephone and grinned. "It, you have to meet Persephone! Wednesday's beloved." He held out his arm to the young couple, encouraging them to step up.

Wednesday held Persephone's hand as he nodded at his cousin. "It's so wonderful to see you, cousin." He looked at Persephone and his lips twitched in a light grin. "This is Persephone Tully."

Persephone smiled at Cousin It and curtseyed to them. "It's lovely to meet you."

It said something in gibberish to the four of them. Gomez and Morticia smiled widely while Wednesday stared at him wide-eyed. Morticia responded. "Hopefully in a few years." Persephone looked between the four in front of her in confusion.

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