Stained with Fake Blood

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The Addams' walked into the school, with the children leading the way inside. Wednesday pulled Persephone after him to head towards the theater to get ready with Pugsley lightly jogging after them, yelling "Wait for me!" after them.

The adults followed with Morticia and Gomez following in the back arm in arm. Just as they crossed the threshold, Morticia was approached by a woman. "Mrs. Addams, can I talk with you for a moment? I'm Susan Perkins, Wednesday's teacher." The lady told Morticia who smiled at her.

"Oh, of course Ms. Perkins, Wednesday has told us so much about you."

Ms. Perkins gestured towards a wall, wanting to talk with Morticia about something. Morticia smiled gently and let go of Gomez who kissed the back of her hand before following Lurch and Grandmama to over to Tully and Margaret who stood with Tully Jr.

Ms. Perkins led Morticia over to a wall with posters hanging on it, showing off presentations that the children had made. "Wednesday is an excellent student... but frankly I'm concerned." Ms. Perkins frowned softly, internally concerned about the boy's mental health. "You see, this is our class bulletin board." Ms. Perkins gestured to the wall with the posters. "This month our theme is our heroes, people we love and admire." Morticia and Perkins walked slowly looking at the posters.

Perkins smiled gently while Morticia wrapped an arm around her waist and her other arm came up for her hand to hold her chin while looking at the posters.

Perkins pointed to a picture of the President and turned to smile at Morticia. "Susan Ringo has chosen the president, isn't that sweet?"

Morticia frowned at her in concern and Perkins continued after a brief awkward pause. She pointed to an article poster. "And Harmony Feld has picked Jane Pauley."

Morticia turned to Perkins and looked at her with concern. "Have you spoken with her parents?" Morticia didn't understand why someone would look up to these people.

Perkins looked at her in confusion with a slightly gapping mouth. "Ummm, but Wednesday brought in this picture," Ms. Perkins pointed at Wednesday's drawing that was very well drawn and detailed. She frowned deeply. "Calpurnia Addams."

Morticia smiled in admiration at the drawing and clasped her hands together. "Wednesday's Great Aunt Calpurnia." She sighed lightly in fondness. "She was burned as a witch in 1706." She lightly giggled and looked at Perkins. "They say she danced naked in the town square and enslaved a minister." She smiled proudly.

Perkins looked at her shocked with a hint of fear. "Really?" Her voice slightly trembled.

Morticia grinned, "Oh, yes. Don't worry." She nodded. "We've told Wednesday, college first."

Perkins quickly departed from Morticia with a quick goodbye to the Matriarch of the family who smiled at her and waved.

Morticia turned and quickly spotted the rest of her family with the Alfords. Wednesday and Pugsley had already gone to get ready while Persephone was standing next to Gomez. Lurch and Grandmama stood behind them looking around at the other parents. Morticia joined them by standing at Gomez's other side and wrapping her arm around his.

Gomez smiled lovingly at her and kissed her shoulder before turning back to Margaret who had Tully Jr.; Persephone's younger brother; standing in front of her in a costume.

Margaret was smiling widely with her hands on the boy's shoulders, who was looking at his sister for help. Persephone grinned at her brother before looking at her mother.

"Isn't he adorable? I made his costume myself. Same thing I did with Percy's costumes when she was younger."

Morticia smiled confusingly at her. "It's... charming. What is he, a lizard?"

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