The Mamushka

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The second that the couple made it out to the hallway, Wednesday took the lead and led them to his room. He made sure Persephone was in first and closed the door behind him and locked it.

Wednesday quickly walked over to the hidden door on the floor just as Gordon ran into the door and tried to open it with the doorknob. Seeing that the door wouldn't give, Gordon took a good step back and then gave a giant kick to the door.

The door slammed open, Gordon seeing Wednesday close the trap door over himself and Persephone. Gordon rushed over but was too late and tried to see if he could open the door but sighed when he couldn't find a way to open it. He rushed to stand up and stomped on the trap door before he turned around and rushed out of Wednesday's bedroom.


On the opposite side of the house, Persephone came sliding out of a shoot closely followed by Wednesday. Wednesday grabbed Persephone's hand and rushed them to run through the Addams' Family Graveyard.

They came to a split in the graveyard and Wednesday looked around for a moment while Persephone softly panted behind him. "Where to now?" She panted out between breaths.

Wednesday finally made a decision and lightly tugged at her hand. "This way." He rushed to pull her to the left side of the graveyard, her following closely.

Not even a couple minutes later, Gordon came rushing outside, still covered in shaving cream from when Craven was shaving his head and in Fester's clothes. He came to the same split in the cemetery that the couple did and looked around frantically.

He deeply frowned and grabbed at his bald head before taking off in the opposite direction that the couple went.


Wednesday pulled Persephone into one of the family's crypts and decided to hide there.

Persephone panted from the running and leaned against the stone slab that was in the middle of the crypt. Wednesday started to pace in front of her with one hand on his hip and the other cupping his chin in thought, trying to think of what to do next.

"Well, my suspicions were right." Persephone said out loud as she thought over the situation they were in.

Wednesday glanced at her. "I think both of our suspicions were right, Mi Reina."

Persephone shrugged and then pulled herself up to sit on the slab. "True. Although I have another suspicion, Mi Rey..." She watched him as he turned to her and tilted his head slightly at her. He walked over and stood in front her, showing her that he was listening to her. "I think my father's involved."

He frowned his brow and stared into her eyes. "Why would you think that? He and my father are longtime friends. -"

Persephone interrupted him after that statement. "No, maybe to your father he is, but my father has been a greedy little gremlin since I could remember. My family has been dealing with the aftermath of my father's gambling and loans since before I was born. But my father has never been this desperate before. I think he dug himself into a hold that he can't get out of."

Persephone spoke to him with deep convention and stared straight into Wednesday's eyes that fully convinced him that Tully, Craven and Gordon were working together. He reached up with both hands and cupped the sides of her neck and put his forehead on hers.

They sat in a brief silence before Wednesday broke it. "I love you, mi Reina"

Persephone gasped and pulled away lightly to look at his face. Her eyes traced his face and made sure he was telling the truth. "Really?" She asked him in a whisper that he was just barely to hear.

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