Good Mornings

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The next morning, Persephone first woke up feeling the heat from the sun pouring in from the window and shining through her eyelids. She felt warm with Wednesday's body pressed against her back with his arm wrapped around her waist. She didn't open her eyes but sighed softly as she pressed more into his front. She was in her shirt that she wore last night but her bottoms were gone while he wore a tank top and his underwear. Her lips twitched with memories from last night. They didn't go far but things did get a little heavy.

Her neck was still bruised from the marks he left, which he was surprisingly very territorial by leaving lots of marks. But he wasn't without marks himself that were scattered all over his upper chest.

Persephone was pulled from her memory as Wednesday's arm tightened around her waist. After a moment, he took a deep breath and buried his face into the crook of her neck, rubbing his nose into her skin. He hummed softly as he took in the scent that was naturally hers mixed with his now. The scent of blood red strawberries, midnight blooming jasmine and dark Transylvanian plum invaded his senses.

His voice was heavy with sleep as he spoke softly into the room. "Bonjour, Mon amour," his accent was tinged with emotion as he started to place light kisses on her neck and shoulder.

Persephone's eyes closed in bliss as she moved her head to give him room. She hummed and smiled hearing his voice first thing in the morning. "Buen dia, mi amor." She whispered to him.

Wednesday paused and then sat up and pulled her so she was laying down and he was hovering over her. He leaned on his forearm as his other hand reached to cup the side of her neck with his thumb caressing her jaw. She smirked up at him as his eyes were half-lidded, staring intently down at her.

"It seems I have my father's weakness for languages, amor." She smirked wider as she lifted her hand to rub along his side.

Wednesday leaned down and kissed her passionately before leaving a trail of kisses over her cheek and to her ear before he took a deep breath of her scent right behind her ear, humming in pleasure.

She leaned to his embrace and hummed softly in pleasure with him.

He sat up again and leaned down to kiss her again, but they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Wednesday! Have you seen Persephone? We found her bedroom door wide open." Morticia spoke through the door.

Wednesday and Persephone locked eyes, with Wednesday showing little annoyance of the interruption and Persephone trying to keep from laughing.

"Coming, Mother!" Wednesday spoke loudly towards the door.

They could barely hear the sound of Morticia sighing on the other side of the door. "Alright, darling. Breakfast is ready and when you see Persephone, make sure she comes eat."

Wednesday rolled his eyes, "Yes, Mother!"

Persephone smiled and scratched lightly at the nape of his neck, making goose bumps form over his skin.

They listened as Morticia walked away and down the stairs. Eventually Wednesday turned back to Persephone and he smirked, "Where were we?" He purred to her before he leaned down and started to kiss and tickle her neck, making her giggle.


A short while later, Wednesday with Persephone on his arm, walked downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. Both now dressed and ready for the day.

They walked in just as Pugsley asked Fester eagerly, "Did you like the blood?"

Fester grinned manically. "I was so proud."

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