Chapter Twenty Two - I Have Nothing Left

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I've decided on what I want to name the baby if it is a girl.

If the baby is a girl, I want her name to be April Paige Rollins.

I despise the last name, but unfortunately, that's what it is required to be.

In my opinion, I really like the name, the first and middle name, that is. It reminds me of my sister and my best friend.

I was thinking on baby names when April and Paige showed up in my mind, and that's when I decided that I want to name the baby April Paige if it is a girl. It's different, but I like it.

I haven't decided on boy names. Im really stuck there. Should I name it after Roman? Seth probably wouldn't allow it . . .

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and I look to see Seth carrying a bag of Chinese food. He came over to me and set the bag on the bedside table right next to me. He opens up the bag and hands me my food, and then grabs his.

"Thanks." I say quietly.

Seth tells me to sit on the floor with him, and not wanting to cause any trouble, I obey.

We eat our Chinese food in silence for a few minutes before Seth decided to speak up.

"You know, I was thinking; maybe we should head out to town tonight. You need some fresh air. It isn't good to have you in here all the time and I just though going to the park and getting some dinner would be good." He says, looking at anything to else but me.

"Yeah, that would be nice." I reply.

This could be my chance. My chance to my free. I could run away from Seth and find my way back home! I could go and be with Roman again and we can be happy together!

"But we would have to disguise you." Seth says, bringing me back to reality. I nodded my head.

Disguise me.

"How?" I ask.

"Well, giving you some glasses and a beanie would do the trick, I suppose. I'd have to disguise myself as well."

I nodded my head once again.

I'm going to be free. I'm going to finally be free.

We eat the last of our Chinese food. Seth collects the trash and heads out.

Seth gave me a pair of fake glasses and a beanie, he also put a ring on my finger. He had his hair pulled back in a tight ponytail and wore a long sleeve shirt with some dark jeans. He had a hat on, too.

We were eating in some diner that wasn't really busy, but it did have a few customers in it. Randy Orton included.

Randy was also in a disguise. he sat a few tables behind us.

But he wasn't alone.

Seth got more back up as well. People I have never seen before.

Just then, one more person comes in.

My heart stops.


He's here. He's really here! I'm going to be free! I'm going to be with Roman again!

He walks right past our table, but he doesn't seem to notice me.

The waitress has him sit down in a booth farther away from our table. I look at Seth and then at Randy and the back up guys. They don seem to notice that Roman is here.

I look back at Roman. His hair is tied back in a loose bun. He is wearing light washed jeans and a black hoodie. He has dark circles under his eyes.

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