Chapter One - Introduced to The Shield

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Stephanie McMahon was introducing me to all the superstars and divas.

The last people I was introduced to were perhaps the scariest looking people I've seen yet. 

Seth Rollins, the Architect.

Dean Ambrose, the Lunatic Fringe.

And Roman Reigns, the Powerhouse.

Yep, I was being introduced to The Shield. All three men looked down at me, as I was obviously shorter than them. Dean stood their, awkwardly, as if not knowing what to say. Seth had a small smill plastered on his face and Roman was giving me a big grin.

"These three guys are-" Stephanie started to say but I interruped, "The Shield, yes." I said, smiling. Stephanie smiled at me and said, "This is Mia Lee. She is AJ Lee's sister." 

"That's really cool. I bet your sister is really happy to have you here." Roman said.

"Actually she should be meeting me but I don't really know where she is." I said, looking around. Just then, I saw my sister and she spotted me. Screaming my name, she ran over and hugged me.

"Air" I stuttered, since AJ was giving me the biggest hug of my life. She let go and said sorry. I just simply chuckled.

"Thanks so much for watching her, Steph, but I got it now." AJ said as she stood on her tippy-toes to pat my head. Good thing I wasn't the shortest person here...

Once Stephanie left, me and AJ turned our attention to The Shield. I caught Roman looking at me. He gave me a quick smile and I looked down at the floor, blushing. AJ was saying some random things about how me and her used to wrestle all the time when we were younger. I looked back up to see Seth paying attention to what AJ was saying, and Dean looking down at his phone. Roman's eyes were still on me so I looked back at him. We had a little stare-down for a couple of seconds until we heard AJ clear her throat with her, Seth, and Dean looking at me and Roman. 

I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked back down at the floor while I heard a couple of chuckles. 

Suddenly, I heard a man call out my name. "Mia, it's time for your debut in 10!" a worker said.

"Okay, thank you!" I said. Then I said, "I'll see you after my match, guys!" I said, jogging off.

"Meet us in The Shield's locker room!" Roman shouted. I gave him a thumbs up and continued on my way. My debut match tonight was against Paige. Stephanie was telling me about how me and Paige would be having a feud. 

I walked out as my music blasted through the arena. People had no idea who I was, so of course I wasn't getting a reaction. I got in the ring, as Paige was already in there with her Diva's Title. 

The bell rung and we locked up. I kneed her in her stomach. She bent down and I took this time to kick her right in the face as she fell to the ground. I stood there, staring down as her. Then grabbed her by the hair to pull her up. She elbowed me in the face, but I kicked her again. She fell and I kicked her again and again, then went for the pin. 

1...2...3! The bell rung.

"And your winner of this match.....Mia Lee!" 

My music played, but after a bit of celebrating, AJ's music went on as she skipped down to the ring. She grabbed a mic and faced me. 

"Congrats, sister!" She said, smiling wide. She raised my hand in victory, dropping the mic. After we celebrated a little longer, we skipped back up the ramp together.

Next up, The Shield's locker room. 


This whole story is dedicated to PriscillaRomanReigns, who requested for me to make it. Look her up because she is amazing!!!!<3

So how do you like the first chapter? I like it! [:

Next chapter will be posted real soon!<3

I hope you enjoy this new story.


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