Chapter Ten - Another Guy?

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They finally let me out of the hospital and it felt like years since I last smelled fresh air. Once I walked out of the hospital, I thought about seeing AJ, Paige, Dean, and Seth again. It made me happy to think about them.

I didn't know who was picking me up from the hospital so I waited until someone that I knew came.

And after ten minutes of waiting, my ride finally showed up. But I'd remember that Black SUV anywhere. It was Roman's. The passenger window was rolled down and there he was. He looked right at me.

"Let's go." he simply said, getting out of the car and opening up the passenger door for me.

"You really think I am going to get in that car with you?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Well you kinda have to. You have no other ride."

"I'll call for a cab."

"Cabs aren't available today."

"Then I'll walk."

"That's a long way to the hotel. Especially for walking."

"As long as I don't have to ride with you."

Roman sighed. "Look, I need to talk to you about a lot of things. Important things."

I groaned and got up. "Fine." I got into the car and Roman got back to his side and began driving.

While we were at a stoplight, I noticed that I was feeling his eyes on me. I turned to looked at him and, yes, he was staring. "Why are you staring at me? You're gonna miss the light and I won't tell you when it becomes green."

"Just looking at your beauty." He said, turning his head so he can watch the road.

"Stop being such a liar."

"I'm not."

"You said you were going to talk to me about important things? This isn't important at all."

He turned left and we ended up in a parking lot. He turns the car off and turned his body as best as he could to face me while I looked straight ahead.

"Okay, I gotta see where to start." He pauses for a moment then starts to talk. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you that word. I just got upset and I'm trying to prove that I am good enough for you because I love you."

Because I love you. 

I slowly turned to face Roman, the man who I love.

Do I still love him?


"Look," he inturrupted. "I haven't been the greatest but I'm trying to prove it to you that I am. I want you to know that you are an amazing girl who deserves an amazing guy. I want to be that amazing guy. Like I said before, I'm sorry. I really like you and I hope you feel the same way. I want 'Mia and Roman' to become 'Us.' I've treated you like shit for a while now and you don't deserve that. I love you."

I took a deep breath and thought of the words I was about to say.

"Roman, we both know that what you just said is not true. I'm so sick of being hurt and lied to. I thought maybe we could start a relationship but if you will act like this throughout the relationship between you and I, then there will be no 'Us' ever. So next time you say something like that again, sit up straight and think about what you are going to say. Everything that came out of your mouth was a fucking lie and I'm sick of it. I'm sick of the lies."

I took another breath, then quietly added, "I'm leaving now."

I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car, shutting the door behind me. The slight rain that was falling caused me to put my hood up as I continued on my adventure to a nearby place with a phone.

And five minutes of what felt like endless walking, I found a McDonald's and hurried inside. The place was almost empty but at one table sat a woman with what looked like her husband and child. I walked over to their table.

"Uh, hi." I started with a small smile and a wave. "Um, I don't mean to intrude but I just got out of the hospital and I really need to call someone. It's pretty urgent and it'll be quick."

The woman gave me a smile and said, "Of course! You can borrow my phone. If you want some privacy, then go ahead somewhere." She said, pulling her phone out of her purse and handing it to me.

"Thank you so much." I said, then walked over to an empty booth away from the other people that were here.

Who should I call?

I should call AJ.

I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up the phone.  Which she didn't and after several tries, I gave up.

I decided to call Seth. I thought he may pick up his phone. So I dialed his number and waited.

One...Two...Three...Four rings.


"Colby, It's Mia. Look I really need a ride."

"Oh, Mia! Hope you're feelin' alright. And sure, I'll come and get you."

"Thank you so much, Colby."

"Where are you?"

"At the McDonald's by the Mexican Grill here in the shopping district."

"Alright, I'll be there in about five minutes."

"Thanks, see you soon." I said, hanging up the phone.

I walked back to the family and handed the phone to the woman.  " Thank you so much!" I said, smiling.

"You're welcome, sweetie. Any time." She said, returning the smile.

When I was outside, A white car came and pulled up in front of me. The driver rolled down the window and there was Seth.

"Want some candy, little girl?" He said, in a high-pitched voice. I giggled and said, "Sure, you creepy old man."

I got in the car and we drove off. Once we got to the hotel, I unbuckled my seat belt and started to get out of the car until Seth grabbed my hand. I turned back to look at him and his lips instantly smashed on mine.

I immediately got lost in his perfect lips and found myself kissing back. My hands were in his hair while his were my lower back.

When his lips found their way to my neck, I couldn't help but moan at the moment.

"Mmm, Seth." I moaned. I heard him let out a deep chuckle. His lips, once again, came back to my lips and started kissing me again. 

Our lips were made for each other, I thought. 

When Seth finally pulled away, he looked at me wide a wide smile. "I've been wanting to do that ever since I first saw you."

I couldn't help but smile at his comment. "And I enjoyed every bit of it." I said, truthfully.

"I did, too." He said, winking, then added, "We could always go back to my hotel, y'know."

"I think that would be perfect." I giggled. 

He gave me one more kiss before getting out of the car. He helped me out and we both raced to his room, not being able to keep our hands off of each other.

Here we go...

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