Chapter Twelve - The Day That I Will Always Remember

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A month had passed since Roman and I have been together.

And tonight was Night of Champions. I would be facing Paige for the Diva's title. Outside of the WWE, we are really good friends. But inside of the WWE, we are enemies.

To be honest, I'm nervous. I mean, Paige is an amazing wrestler. She's practiced since she was thirteen years old. While I started since I was seventeen.

But I can do this. I know I can.

Before I head out, my sister wishes me luck.

"Pshh, luck is for losers!" I shout.

"Well, then go fuck yourself!" She shouts back at me. That's when we both start laughing hysterically. AJ gives me a big hug and whispers in my ear, "But really, you can do it."

Once we let go, I blow her a kiss and give her a wink. She waves frantically at me. "I'll be on commentary!" She says. I give her a thumbs up and turn to head to the gorilla.

As my theme song plays, I skip out down the ramp and to the ring. I wipe my feet as AJ does on the apron and I get into the ring. Paige comes out with her music and she walks down the ramp with her Diva's Championship, high-fiving a few of the fans who had their hands out.

Then it's AJ's turn. She skips down the ramp and around the ring, giving me a thumbs up. She goes to the table, puts a headset on, and sits, putting her feet up on the table.

The bell rings, making me shiver.

And me and Paige lock up.

It's now or never, I thought.

~~~~~~~15 minutes into the match~~~~~~~

She kicks me in the stomach, and pushes me into the turnbuckles. At this point, we are both so tired. When she runs after me, I hurry and put both feet up on the top rope, like my sister did at Payback with Kaitlyn back in 2013. She hits the turnbuckle face first. I start laughing as Paige gets up, I hurry and lock her in the Black Widow, just like my sister did with Kaitlyn. I hear AJ clapping and the crowd going crazy. Michael Cole's loud mouth speaking, "Oh my God! Mia just put Paige in the Black Widow! Is Paige gonna tap?!"

But she wasn't tapping. Man, this girl is tough, I thought. But then, I already knew that.

"Tap!" I screamed. "Tap!"

And she does.

The bell rings.

I'm off of Paige.

And she is lying on the mat, breathing heavily.

Did I do it? Did I really do it?

"And the winner of this match, and your NEW Diva's Champion...Mia Lee!"

Yes, I did. I won the Diva's Title. Tears flowed out of my eyes and I had the biggest smile on my face.

I got up as the ref handed me my title and raises up my hand, with me raising up the title. AJ comes into the ring and gives me another big hug. She, too, has tears of happiness flowing out of her eyes.

I look down at Paige, who is pretending to be shocked. She has her head in her hands. I go in front of her as the crowd goes silent.

I know what they are thinking. They think I'll hit her or something. But I won't.

Instead, I hold my hand out to her. She looks up at me and hesitantly takes my hand. I pull her up off the mat and give her a hug.

"Thank you." I said in her ear.

"You're welcome, Mia. You deserved it."

We all celebrate my victory together.

As it was time to go backstage, we walk up the ramp together with arms wrapped around each other.

Once we get backstage, I am ingulfed in a big hug by Roman. He spins me around, and gently puts me back down, wrapping his arm around me.

"You did it. I'm proud of you."

I look at Dean as he kisses Paige. He smiles at her as they pull away and she smiles back. He turns around so his back is facing her and he kneels down. "Hop on." He says.

She does what she is told, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his body.

"We'll be in our lockeroom. Congratulations, Mia." He says, winking at me. Dean leaves with his raven-haired lady on his back.

What a perfect couple. And yes. Dean finally asked her out three weeks ago.

He was scared at first because he didn't want to be rejected by the woman who he loved more than anyone and anything. But he finally decided to man up and take a shot. And she said yes.

Men, here's a tip for you: Never be afraid. It won't get you anywhere.

Seth looked at me, smiling. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Congratulations, Mia." He says, hugging me back and kissing my head. We both pull away. "Thank you." I say. More tears come out of my eyes and Seth wipes them immediately. I turn back to Roman and he, again, wraps his arm around me. My eyes meet with Seth's as we look at eachother one last time before he walks away, with his head hanging low.

That was the last time I ever saw him.

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