Chapter Twenty Three ~ Extricated

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Two more months have passed and I think to myself, where is Roman? Why am I still trapped down in this dark and creepy basement? Why isn't Roman here to save me?

I don't even think Roman will save me. His feelings for me are probably long gone by now. He's probably given up on me.

I look down at my arms and legs. Bruises from Seth throwing punches and kicking me are scattered across my legs and arms. The cuts from him slashing a knife across my arm when he said I "badly misbehaved" are there to remind me that I'm stuck down here.

I'm all alone in this hell that Seth calls my home.

This is not my home.

I belong at Roman's house snuggled up against him in his big bed, watching movies together. I belong in that ring where I can beat my opponents. I don't belong in this dirty basement.

I have to go home.

I can't raise a baby here. It's lonely down here. Lonely and arid.

And this all has been an adversity. Just complete misfortune. I never wanted this to happen.

I never wanted to have a baby in the first place while I'm still working with WWE. Hell yes, I plan to have kids in the future, but I didn't plan to have them this early.

And I wouldn't want an abortion. In my opinion, it's just wrong. I'm going to take care of this baby as best as I can.

I just hope Roman can find me. I hope he can.

Ever since he got that ring, I've just been on edge. Roman should know where Seth lives! I could be saved any day now!

Footsteps coming down the squeaky stairs take me out of my thoughts and back into reality. I watch as Seth slowly approaches me.

"Hello, darling." He says. I shiver at the choice of words he used.

"Hello." I say quietly.

"You have to learn to speak up. I can barely hear what you're saying half of the time."

My thoughts race back to that crazy night at the diner when I saw Roman sitting alone looking tired and miserable. I had walked out of the bathroom and gotten his attention. My attempt at escaping Seth and Randy had failed, but I had managed to drop the ring on the floor and make sure Roman got it, which he did. We had gotten back to Seth's place and Seth had hit me saying that everything was my fault. But all I had been thinking about ever since that night was when Roman could finally save me. He could finally get me out of this place and Seth and Randy would go to jail and I could finally live happily with Roman.

"Hey, baby, I'm talking to you." Seth says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry." I mumble.

"What?" Seth says, putting a hand up to his ear.

"I'm sorry." I say a bit louder, looking anywhere else but Seth.

He sighs in frustration because of my quiet speaking. "You really need to talk louder so I can hear you. Its annoying when you don't speak loud." He says coming over and sitting next to me on my small bed. He puts his hand on my stomach, which causes me to tense up.

"Now, now. Relax." He says. A small grin is plastered on his face. "I'm not going to kill the baby."

He leans in so he can whisper in my ear. "But, if that's what you want, then I'll be glad to do it." He says. He presses his lips against my cheek, then pulls away.

I gasp.

He gets off the bed and looks at me, crossing his arms over his chest. "What is it that you want, anyways?" He asks me.

"I want to go home." I say loud enough so he can hear me, finally having the courage to look at him in the eyes.

He chuckles. "Now you speak louder?"

I look away from him.

"You're not going home. Not until I say you will."

I shoot up from the bed. "And when will that be? I've been trapped down here for months! Not to mention that there is a living person that is growing inside of me!" I yell.

Whoa, Mia. When did this tough girl come out? If only it had come out way earlier.

I watch as Seth gets angrier by the words I used. I know that he is fuming, and I know that I shouldn't have talked to him that way, but even if I could take it back, I wouldn't.

He tries to calm himself down before speaking to me. "Mia, don't ever speak that way to me again. Since I'm in a good mood today, I'm going to be a generous person and let you go on this one." He says.

I'm actually kind of disappointed. I thought he would hit me or something. but I guess not. But for some reason, I would love to question this, and that's what I do.

"So, uh, why are you in a good mood today? Normally, you'd hit me." I tell him.

He only shakes his head and smiles, then he proceeds to walk back upstairs. "Oh, Mia." He says in a sing-song voice.

I'm confused. Why is Seth acting so weird?

"I'm so glad we're together." I hear Seth say right before the door closes and he is no longer in the basement.

We're not together.

A few minutes later, the house is quiet which is unusual. Usually, I would hear a TV or music would be playing around this time, but there is nothing but dead silence. Again, this is weird.

They probably went out somewhere. They rarely do that. There have been a few times where the house was quiet like this, but it's not common.

~• 2 hours later •~

They still haven't come back and to be quite honest, I'm worried.

Not for them, of course. But for me. I'm trapped down here and there is literally no way of getting out of here. Seth made sure of that. Not to mention that there is no food since Seth always delivers it down here to me.

Is Seth gonna come back?

Maybe something happened? I mean, it could be a car crash or maybe he got murdered? Yeah, extreme thinking but it's a possibility. Maybe he got kidnapped himself.

All of a sudden, I hear sirens. Police sirens for the first time in over five months!

They're coming closer and closer and I plead that they don't drive past Seth's house.

I hear them very loudly and I can tell that they have stopped in front of Seth's house. My eyes brim with tears at the thought of me finally going home.

I hear footsteps walking all through the house and then I hear something that I thought I would never be able to hear ever again in my life: Roman's beautiful, deep voice calling out my name.


I hurry up to the top of the stairs. "I'm down in the basement!" I cry out.

I hear about three pairs of footsteps and many voices.

"Mia, the door is locked!" I hear Roman say.

"Use something to open it!" I say. I move back down into the basement and sit on the floor.

I hear the voices and I hear Roman and even Dean.

And just in a matter of seconds, light from upstairs shines into the basement and many pairs of footsteps hurry down the stairs.

The first person I see is Roman followed by Dean and police officers.


"Roman!" I hurry over and wrap my arms around Roman's neck as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Mia, I missed you so much!" Roman says. I can tell that he's crying.

"I missed you, too." I cry.

And there we stand, two lovers who've been away from each other for a long time.

I am finally free.

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