Cookie Cloud

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Tommy's not entirely aware of the world when he steps into his apartment. The little box with the cake in it is still in his hands, and he's trying really hard not to drop it. But he feels so..Shaky. His limbs feel like they're stuck in syrup. Heavy and slow and sticking his feet to the carpet as he slowly makes his way to the fridge and places the cake in the corner away from Tubbo's food.

He looks around his apartment for a long, long moment- trying to think of what he's supposed to do now -when there's a weight rubbing against his leg. When he looks down, he blinks uncomprehendingly at Enderchests bright amber eyes peering up at him. She meows at him then rubs against his leg again while purring.

Tommy wills his hands to move. To reach down and bury his fingers into her dark fur to feel something other than this numbness..But he can't.

Another guilty weight settles on his mind as he slowly steps away from her and turns to leave the apartment. She meows again and follows at his feet, and he has to gently nudge her back to stay inside when she tries to follow him out. He ignores the meowing from the other side of the door and swiftly makes his way back to the elevator.

But when he gets there, he doesn't really have the energy to hit the button.

He blinks, then suddenly the elevator doors are open.

There's someone standing in the elevator, but Tommy can't lift his head to see their face. Someone in dark red pants, gold heeled dress shoes. And he bets if he actually looked up, he'd be met with a jester themed mask covering 3/4ths of his face.


The rogue stops short when he sees Tommy outside the elevator and blinks in surprise.

"Oh." He says, adjusting his wings and smoothing his expression into a carefully crafted grin. Tommy watches it all with a deep-buried sense of anxiety and expression dulled. His mind is too cloudy right now to really send him into the panic that he should probably be feeling at the face of the king of rogues on his floor.

"Sorry about that; wasn't expecting to see you here."

Tommy just looks at him, and Roulette's grin slowly fades into something confused. Then, to something he might even call concern. "..You alright, kid?"

Once again, he just looks at the man and blinks slow and heavy before he decides eye contact takes too much energy- and he lowers it back down to stare unfocused at the floor. The rogue swears and grumbles something about how this is "just his luck"- which is ironic since his powers are quite literally luck based -and he steps out of the elevator.

"Hey," He waves a gloved hand in front of his eyes. "C'mon kid, wake up for me."

No. Tommy thinks, stubbornly. He doesn't want this floaty feeling to go away just yet. He doesn't want to feel the weight of the guilt. He knows he probably should, but even if he knew how..He doesn't know if he wants to.

Everything is just so..Complicated in his world right now. He has to analyze everything the heroes say and do and decide if he should tell the villains about it. Every little action, glance, smile or hand movement has to be mulled over and seen from every possible angle so he isn't taken by surprise or taken advantage of.

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