The Return

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Stepping off the golden train and back into the L'Manberg main station feels like when he first stepped into the Hero Tower. Like he's stepping into the heart of enemy territory.

He's not entirely sure who his enemy is right now- but he supposes the feeling isn't wrong. He is stepping into enemy territory. Sure, no one recognizes him right now; but he's still here. He's back in the city run by the League. The same League that made his life a living nightmare. The ones that sent him out on a mission- and then ripped away the only family he thinks he's ever really had.

Tommy's not sure if he still has them- but he'll cross that bridge when he gets to it. Right now, he needs to figure out what to do.

He thought he'd think of some kind of plan on the train ride here; but he was so balled up with nerves that he couldn't think straight. But he has a general idea. He just needs to keep his head down and take out who he can.

Er- Well, not take out. More like..Apprehend. Trap, maybe? Whatever- he just needs to keep each villain in one spot so they don't hurt anyone until the heroes find them. He can do that. Hopefully.

So he takes a deep breath, shuffles his wings around, and makes his way towards the stairs leading out of the station. Glass crunches under his shoes, and Tommy does his best to stay quiet and unassuming with his hood up as he walks down the empty station. The train that brought him here from Las Nevadas is still sitting in the station- but he doesn't really think about it too much. After all- he's not the one driving it.

But he halts in his steps when he hears frantic footsteps coming down the stairs. Tommy practically throws himself behind an archway carved into the wall just as someone lands in the actual station.

"Thank fucking Prime. " Someone breathes; and Tommy's eyes blow wide as the person comes into view as they head towards the train. He's in an orange jumpsuit and his hair is hanging loose instead of in a ponytail; but that doesn't matter. He would recognize those golden eagle wings anywhere.

Raptor slaps his hands against the smooth door of the golden train, muttering to himself like he's trying to get it open. And Tommy can't move. Can barely think. What's he supposed to do?? The last time he saw Raptor he tried to kill him. And he's sure the man would recognize him the moment he saw him regardless of his disguise. So what's he supposed to do?

"You're acting like a child, Raptor." Another familiar voice deadpans, and Tommy watches in horror as Static waltzes into view; joining Raptor at the train. "Can you not wait two minutes for me to climb down the stairs?"

"You and I both know we have maybe 10 minutes before the fucking Blood God is on our ass." And Tommy startles. "He's already taken out Shade- and he's been looking for Flatline. He's gotta be coming for your spot on the League." Raptor shoots back, not turning around.

"There's a reason Shade is at the bottom of the League." Static shoots back, pushing the avian aside. "Now let me do this."

Tommy watches as Static lays his palms on the door, and electricity sparks from his hands.

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